LSU French Visitors at the Louisiana Supreme Court

On the occasion of the visit of Dr. Enrica Bracchi and Dr. Dominique Garreau, Associate Professors at the University of Nantes (April 5 to April 15), a visit to New Orleans was organized, including a reception at the French Consulate and a tour of the Louisiana Supreme Court. This gave a chance to French intern Lucie Talet and the CCLS team to visit or revisit the Law Library of Louisiana and marvel at some of the rare books. Miriam Childs, Acting Director, had a chance to display the recently purchased original edition of the miniature French Civil Code printed, like the well known standard version, in the year 1804.

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LL.M. Class visits the 19th Judicial District Court in Baton Rouge

Marina Biragova, LL.M. Candidate 2016, reports:

The trip to the 19th JDC was a complete success: students were very excited to observe American civil procedure. We attended a jury trial  and LL.M. students were introduced to the judge during the hearing (now LL.M. Candidates 2016 will stay forever on the court record).

Then we met with Hon. Judge Holdridge, and we went trough the trial procedures from A to Z and did a mock trial. The students were amazed how different the procedure was from what they saw back home. After the mock trial,  judge Holdridge stayed with  the LL.M. Students to answer our questions.

All Judges were very excited to meet LL.M. Students.

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LSU Law Student Adrian Smith studies in French at Université de Nantes

FACE_LOGO_MASTER_PROGRAMS2L Adrian P. Smith grew up in Cajun Louisiana where, despite a French language and culture revival, too many young people speak English only. With a French mother and some elementary school experience in Western France, he speaks very good French. He is the first LSU law student to study a full semester at Université de Nantes, one of our partner schools in France. For this he receives scholarship money from the Partner University Fund “Training Multilingual Jurists.”

In addition to his course work, he started this week an internship at Clyde & Co, a law firm specialized in maritime law. He has plans for another significant work experience this summer at Cheuvreux Notaires, the largest firm of notaries in Paris, where he will work with some of the finest real estate attorneys in the country.

Adrian’s story proves the relevance of the LSU legal education model in a global world: the combination of a civil law and common law based training with the practice of foreign languages can take you a long way, especially when embarking on our study abroad programs and seeking guidance for some professional experience overseas.




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French Consul General Grégor Trumel Receives LSU Law French visitors

Dr. Enrica Bracchi and Dr. Dominique Garreau, Associate Professors at the University of Nantes, are visiting at LSU Law from April 5 to April 15. Dr. Garreau is the founder and head of the Nantes Master’s program in Trilingual Legal Studies, combining legal education with the study of two foreign languages and legal systems. Within the partnership agreement between LSU Law and University of Nantes, more than ten Nantes students have done an internship at the LSU Center of Civil Law Studies (CCLS), to do legal translation (Louisiana Civil Code from English to French; translation of doctrinal texts) and interpretation work on academic and professional conferences. The visit of Drs. Bracchi and Garreau coincides with the presence of Lucie Talet, who interns at the CCLS between March and July. Two Nantes students have already joined the LL.M. at LSU: FACE_LOGO_MASTER_PROGRAMSAnouk Guéroult-Bellone (class of 2015) and 2015-intern Sara Vono (class of 2016). The program is sponsored by the Partner University Fund, supporting transatlantic partnerships around research and higher education, a collaboration between the French government, American private donors and the FACE Foundation.

On April 7, 2016, Mr. Grégor Trumel, Consul General of France, met with the LSU Law French visitors at the French Consulate in New Orleans, insisting on the cultural and economic importance of vibrant academic and professional cooperation between France and Louisiana.

Photo: from left to right, Dr. Olivier Moréteau, CCLS director, Nana Agyemang, Nantes student interning with Louis Koerner, Lucie Talet, CCLS intern, Dr. Enrica Bracchi, University of Nantes, Grégor Trumel, Consul General of France, Anouk Guéroult-Bellone, LSU LL.M., Dr. Dominique Garreau, University of Nantes, and Jason Maison-Marcheux, CCLS research associate.

Consulat de France NOLA - 7 avril 2016

Posted in Center of Civil Law Studies, Distinguished Foreign Visitors, Events, French Consulate, International Jobs and Careers, Master in Comparative Law (LL.M.), Translation Projects | Comments Off on French Consul General Grégor Trumel Receives LSU Law French visitors

Café Français – International Table

Our last meeting this semester is scheduled for Friday, April 1, 12:40, W326B.

Last call

last order

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LL.M. Candidates Present Research Projects

All LSU LL.M. Candidates attend a Legal Research Workshop which concludes in March with oral presentations of individual research projects, allowing candidates to get feedback from faculty supervising the project and stimulating discussion with their peers.

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Louisiana Law Review Symposium on the Future of the Civil Law

LA L R Symp

Louisiana—as the lone civil law jurisdiction in the United States—has been instrumental
in developing and maintaining one of the major legal traditions in the world, the civil law, in the English language. Indeed, having as its source Roman and Canon law, with Spanish and French influences dating back centuries, the civil law has developed over time to best suit the needs of the citizenry at the relevant time period. The development of this venerated legal tradition in English, particularly in Louisiana, has contributed to its influence and accessibility around the globe.
The continued viability of the civil law in Louisiana is possible because of the hard work of scholars throughout the state, and particularly the work of the great legal minds of the LSU Law Center. One such legal scholar is our very own Alain Levasseur, who has worked diligently to ensure that the civil law is accessible in English in Louisiana and abroad. This accessibility enables legal scholars from around the globe to share experiences and ideas regarding the history and future of the civil law tradition.
Please join the Louisiana Law Review, the  Center of Civil Law Studies, and the Paul M. Hebert Law Center as we celebrate the development of the civil law in Louisiana, the accomplishments of Professor Levasseur, and the future of the civil law around the world.
For more information and to register,

go to: symposium/ Registration is required

Schedule of Events
Opening Remarks
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM

Panel 1: The Law of Obligations in Louisiana and Abroad
8:15 AM – 10:00 AM

Break 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM

Commentator: Civil Code Drafting Styles and Conflicts of Law
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

Lunch 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Panel 2: Translation of the Civil Law
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Commentator: Challenges and Rewards of Teaching Comparative Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM

Break 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM

Commentator: U.S. Discovery and Foreign Blocking Statutes
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM


Opening Remarks
Melissa Lonegrass: Professor, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University

Panel 1: The Law of Obligations in Louisiana and Abroad
Participants will discuss the development of the law of Obligations in Louisiana and in France.
Ronald Scalise: A.D. Freeman Professor of Civil Law, Tulane Law School
David Gruning: Professor, Loyola University College of Law
Michel Séjean: Professor, Université de Bretagne-Sud, France
Mustapha Mekki: Professor, Université Paris 13

Commentator: Civil Code Drafting Styles and Conflicts of Law
Professor Symeonides will discuss the extent to which judges may deviate from the text of a statute by examining recent statutes in which the legislature itself authorizes such a deviation.
Symeon Symeonides: Professor, Willamette University College of Law

Panel 2: Translating the Civil Law
Participants will discuss how the civil law was translated using French and Spanish sources and how the law has been translated contemporarily.

Agustín Parise: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Randy Trahan: Professor, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University

Commentator: Challenges and Rewards of Teaching Comparative Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Professor Ostroukh will discuss the challenges she has faced in teaching comparative law at a university in the West Indies, and will focus on how certain characteristics of the region have shaped her experience of teaching comparative law.
Asya Ostroukh: Senior Lecturer, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies in Barbados

Commentator: U.S. Discovery and Foreign Blocking Statutes
Professor Curran will discuss the relationship between U.S. discovery practices and
blocking statutes in France and Germany that have for decades impeded discovery efforts by U.S. entities.
Vivian Grosswald Curran: Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Also featured in Volume 76, Issue IV of the Louisiana Law Review, Liber Amicorum: Professor Alain A. Levasseur, without presentation:
Nicholas Kasirer: Justice of the Court of Appeal for Québec
Jean-Louis Baudouin: Counsel, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

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Cafe francais – International Table

Meeting this Friday, February 12, at 12:40 in Room W326B. A demain! Hasta Manana! Bis Morgen!


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French Ambassador to Speak at LSU


LSU will host the Hon. Gérard Araud, France’s Ambassador to the United States on February 23rd. The entire campus community is invited to attend his lecture, “France In An Unstable World” at 11 am in the French House. To register, please click here.


Gérard Araud, 62, a career diplomat, was appointed Ambassador of France to the United States in September 2014. He previously held numerous positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, notably including that of Director for Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament (2000-2003), Ambassador of France to Israel (2003-2006), Director General for Political Affairs and Security (2006-2009), and, most recently, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in New York (2009-2014).

Over the course of his career, Mr. Araud has developed specialized knowledge in two key areas: the Middle East and strategic & security issues. As regards the latter, he was the French negotiator on the Iranian nuclear issue from 2006 to 2009. In New York, at the Security Council, he notably contributed to the adoption of resolutions on Libya (#1970 and #1973), Côte d’Ivoire (#1975), the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali and the Central African Republic, and participated in debates on the Syrian and Ukrainian crises.

He has written numerous journal articles, including recently in ‘’Commentaire’’, two on the outbreak of WWI and one on the French foreign policy between 1919 and 1939, and another in ‘’Esprit’’, on the search for a new world order. He is working on an article on the treaty of Versailles.

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LSU Law will Host the Juris Diversitas Annual Conference

Juris Diversitas was founded in 2007 as an international, interdisciplinary community for the study of legal and normative mixtures and movements. Originally composed of comparative law scholars, the group has opened interdisciplinary conversations with anthropologists, geographers, historians, philosophers, economists, linguists, sociologists, both within the law and beyond, to explore the interaction of the law with all branches of human and social sciences. Members are to be found on all continents and in many fields, expanding the outreach of comparative legal studies way beyond the limits of the western world.

After Lausanne, Switzerland (2013), Aix-en-Provence, France (2014) and Limerick, Ireland (2015), Baton Rouge will host the 2016 Annual Conference, under the leadership of Prof. Olivier Moréteau, President, and Prof. Salvatore Mancuso (University of Capetown), Vice President.

Dates and venue: May 30 – June 1, 2016, LSU Law Center, Baton Rouge

Unity and/or Diversity

Theme: Comparative legal studies have long been perceived as an engine pulling legal traditions and systems towards convergence, harmonization, and unification. Today, legal pluralism pushes towards the recognition of human and social diversity. Does this mean that we have to choose between unity and diversity, Jus unum or juris diversitas?  To what extent do pluralistic societies embrace or reject harmonization and uniformity, or simply ignore them? Do we unify or add layers, increasing the complexity of legal orders? Does history reflect a move from diversity to unity or an ongoing conflict between the two? What makes unity successful or sustainable? This is an invitation to discuss, in an interdisciplinary way, the development of laws and social norms, in the dialectical tension between the ontological unity of human beings and mankind and the plurality of individual aspirations and social arrangements.

Submissions: Panel proposals and interdisciplinary presentations are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. While parallel sessions of three twenty-minute presentations will be used, we encourage more original session structures.

Proposals should be in English or in French. Proposals of approximately 250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals) should be submitted to Professor Salvatore Mancuso at by January 31, 2016, with a short biography listing major or relevant publications. Make this a single Word document with minimal formatting, so that proposal and biography can be copied easily into the conference program.

Registration fees: €200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up for 2016. Membership and fee payment information is available on the Juris Diversitas Blog ( Please note that fees don’t cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).



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