Author: richards


West Bay Diversion and Shoaling

Westbay Diversion Final Report: Sharp, J.A., Little, C.D., Brown, G.L., Pratt, T.C., Heath, R.E., Hubbard, L.C., Pinkard, F., Martin, S.K., Clifton, N.D., Perkey, D.W. and Ganesh, N.B., 2013. West Bay sediment diversion effects. One of the more well known projects…

Coastal Protection and Restoration in Jean Lafitte

Coastal Protection and Restoration in Jean Lafitte Presentation by Mayor Timothy P. Kerner, Town of Jean Lafitte, arguing for dredging to build wetlands to protect the town, which is outside the levee system.

Sea Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH) Publications Definitive publication on SLOSH: Jelesnianski, C. P., J. Chen, and W. A. Shaffer, 1992: SLOSH: Sea, lake, and overland surges from hurricanes. NOAA Technical Report NWS 48, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, 71…

Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System;jsessionid=625A3B85BB9B43FA186F913679972043.c3 INTRODUCTION Part of Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System Geoengineering techniques for countering climate change have been receiving much press recently as a `Plan B’ if a global deal to tackle climate change is not agreed…

Witless Policy and the Barrier Islands

William J. Siffin, BUREAUCRACY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Witless Policy and the Barrier Islands, 1 Cato Journal 291 (1981} A good, early review of the unintended consequences of the National Flood Insurance Program.

Public Relations for Diversions 101

Answering 10 Fundamental Questions about the Mississippi River Delta (original link) This is one of many reports advocating for river diversions. The basic claim is simple: Diversions will have impacts on vegetation, particularly on the distribution of some plant species. However,…

West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction Study This is levee system will protect I-10 as it enters New Orleans from the west. Appendix A  has useful information from Fish and Wildlife about endangered species in Louisiana and how the proposed levee will adversely impact them. West…

An Introduction to the Environmental Literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region

An Introduction to the Environmental Literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region This report is a review of selected environmental literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region . This review introduces some of the major ecosystem components and processes, describes…

Draft EPA Rule on the Waters of the United States

Draft EPA Rule on the Waters of the United States – reduced size PDF (23 megs) Draft EPA Rule on the Waters of the United States – original PDF (129 megs) Supporting document on the connectivity of the waters of the United…

Geoengineering the climate – Science governance and uncertainty

Geoengineering the climate – Science, governance and uncertainty Shepherd, JG. Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty. Royal Society, 2009. The continuing rise in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, is driving…

Standard Flood Insurance Policy Forms Standard Flood Insurance Policy Forms Main Content Dwelling Policy Form General Property Policy Form Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP) Form The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) offers three Standard Flood Insurance Policy forms. These forms provide policyholders with…

EPA – Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters

Draft Report – 12 Meg Draft Report – 6 meg This report reviews and synthesizes the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the connectivity or isolation of streams and wetlands relative to large water bodies such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans.…

FLOOD INSURANCE: More Information Needed on Subsidized Properties

Report What GAO Found The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (Biggert-Waters Act) immediately eliminated subsidies for about 438,000 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies, but subsidies on an estimated 715,000 policies across the nation remain. Depending on factors…

FLOOD INSURANCE: Implications of Changing Coverage Limits and Expanding Coverage

Report What GAO Found The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) currently has more than 5.5 million policyholders insured for about $1.3 trillion who pay about $3.5 billion in annual premiums, but less than half purchase maximum coverage–a possible indicator of…

Sources on Climate Refugees and International Law

UN Refugee Agency Addressing the Legal Gaps in Climate Change Migration, Displacement and Resettlement: From Sinking Islands to Flooded Deltas The Normative Framework of Climate Change-Related Displacement Disasters and displacement in a changing climate Asylum & the Rights of Refugees…

Disaster Refugees – 2012

32.4 million people uprooted in both rich and poor countries A new report from NRCs Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). reveals that 32.4 million people were forced to flee their homes in 2012 by disasters such as floods, storms and earthquakes. Download:…

Overwhelming Risk – Rethinking Flood Insurance in a World of Rising Seas

Union of Concerned Scientists Our coasts face growing risks from sea level rise. Today’s flood insurance system encourages development that increases these risks — and taxpayers nationwide pay the price. Sea level is rising and increasing the risk of destructive…

EPA Proposed Rules on Power plant Carbon Dioxide

Power plant CO2 Proposed Regs EPA Fact Sheet: Reducing Carbon Pollution from Power Plants – Sept. 20, 2013 (PDF)(4 pp, 106 K) EPA Technical Fact Sheet: Reducing Carbon Pollution from Power Plants – Sept. 20, 2013 (PDF)(6 pp, 119 K)…

NOAA views on potential environmental risks of Louisiana Coastal Restoration Plan

NOAA views on potential environmental risks of Louisiana Coastal Restoration Plan “NMFS supports efforts to ameliorate coastal wetland loss in Louisiana to maintain socio economic, storm protection, and ecological services these habitats provide. Most coastal restoration efforts can benefit nursery…

Analysis of Datums and Elevations in USACE Projects: FINAL REPORT

Analysis of Datums and Elevations in USACE Projects: FINAL REPORT The USACE assembled this team as a direct result of the catastrophic losses endured after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005. The emphasis on vertical accuracy came about…

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Holocene – The hockey stick debate

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years Committee on Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years, National Research Council, ISBN: 0-309-66144-7, 160 pages, 7 x 10, (2006) Because widespread, reliable instrumental records are available only for the last…

Warming of the Oceans and Implications for the (Re)insurance Industry

• There is new, robust evidence that the global oceans have warmed significantly. Given that energy from the ocean isthe key driver of extreme events, ocean warming has effectively caused a shift towards a “new normal” for a number of…

Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Releases Rebuilding Strategy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: HUD No. 13-125 Monday, August 19, 2013 CONTACT: Aaron Jacobs Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force HURRICANE SANDY REBUILDING TASK FORCE RELEASES REBUILDING STRATEGY  Strategy will ensure families, small businesses and communities are stronger, more economically competitive…

State of the Climate 2012 – NOAA

Blunden, J., and D. S. Arndt, Eds., 2013: State of the Climate in 2012. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (8), S1–S238. Briefing Slides NOAA: 2012 was one of the 10 warmest years on record globally The end of weak La…