An Introduction to the Environmental Literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region

An Introduction to the Environmental Literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region

This report is a review of selected environmental literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region . This review introduces some of the major ecosystem components and processes, describes oil and gas production activities, and guides the reader to available literature.

The seven chapters in this review and the number of references used for each are as follows : Introduction – 5; Geology – 147 ; Hydrology – 98 ; Climate and Air Quality – 78 ; Plants, Fish, and Wildlife – 277 ; Ecology – 135 ; and Oil and Gas – 70 . The format of each chapter is not always the same, but consideration is given to data deficiencies and research needs . This report may serve as a general reference work and aid in the synthesis of more specialized subject material.

This project was conducted under Contract FWS 14-16-0009-78-090 . Funding was provided by the Bureau of Land Management and 11 .5 . Fish and Wildlife Service . This study is designed to be used in planning for Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas development and for coastal zone management needs .

This report should be cited : van Beek, J .L ., D .J . Davis, et al . 1981 . An introduction to the environmental literature of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region . U .S . Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program . FWS/OBS -79/30 .