The Louisiana Civil Code is Now Entirely Available in French

July 4th, 2016, marked the United States’ 240th anniversary.

Today, July 5th, is an important day at LSU Law:

  • We welcome Thomas Galligan as our new Dean;
  • We wish Professor Emeritus Robert A. Pascal a Happy 101st Birthday; and
  • We congratulate the CCLS Team for completing the French translation of the Louisiana Civil Code, today fully available in English and in French on Louisiana Civil Code Online!


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LSU Law Welcomes Dean Thomas Galligan

Welcome Dean Galligan

Thomas C. Galligan was the president of Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire. Prior to this, he served as dean and the Elvin E. Overton Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee College of Law, where he also taught torts and admiralty. He also taught at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at LSU, where he was named the Dr. Dale E. Bennett Professor of Law and was honored by the students as the Outstanding LSU Professor six times. He has served as a member and chair of the American Bar Association Accreditation Committee and is a frequent continuing legal education speaker on his areas of expertise. He holds an A.B. from Stanford University, a J.D. from the University of Puget Sound (now Seattle University) School of Law and a L.L. M. from the Columbia University Law School.

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Comparative Law and…

This volume gathers papers presented at the Juris Diversitas Annual Conference 2014, which was organized with and hosted by the Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Law. The general theme reveals the essence of Juris Diversitas as an international, interdisciplinary community originally composed of comparative law scholars, conversing with anthropologists, geographers, historians, philosophers, economists, linguists, sociologists, to explore the interaction of the law with all branches of human and social sciences. The chapters are arranged in sections that complete the title of the volume: comparative law and … methodology, sources, constitutions, history, liability, property, the courts, East Asia, and beyond.


View the Table of Contents

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Congratulations to the LL.M. Class of 2016

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Left to right: Kemi Iyun, Prof. Moréteau, Amalia Ciolpan, Sara Vono, Alina Ciortea, Alexandru Gociu

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Marina Biragova with John Bel Edwards, Governor of the State of Louisiana, who gave an inspiring Commencement speech

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Modupe “Kemi” Iyun with Prof. Marlene Kroussel

Grad 6 (2)

LL.M. Class and friends with Dean Bill Corbett and Prof. Olivier Moréteau

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Proud LL.M. Graduates

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Research Assistant Position Available on Roman Legal Thought (Remote Work)

Research Assistant sought for approximately 120-150 hours of remote work on Roman Legal thought. Some familiarity with Roman law, particularly in the Eastern provinces, is desirable. Compensation is $21.33-$26.67 CAD depending on highest degree achieved.

Research is for a project that engages ancient Jewish legal thought in its Roman context from a Law & Humanities perspective.

Work can be done from anywhere in the world as long as the researcher has access to library materials. Work must be completed before April 30, 2017. If the hours are completed before October 1, 2016, there is the possibility of applying for a top-up grant for an extra 50 or so hours. Checks can be issued in Canadian or US dollars.

Please contact if you are interested!
From Chaya Halberstam
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario
286 Epworth
London, Ontario N6A 2M3 CANADA
(519) 433-3491 x 4367
fax (519) 433-0353

(communicated by Prof. Christine Corcos)

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Juris Diversitas, 4th Annual Conference, Highlights


From Monday, May 30th to Wednesday, June 1st, 2016, over forty jurists from all continents convened in Baton Rouge to attend and present at the Juris Diversitas 4th Annual Conference, on Unity and/or Diversity. Plenary sessions featured three keynote speakers: Professor Vivian Curran (University of Pittsburgh) for the opening, Professor Francisco Reyes (Government of the Republic of Colombia and UNCITRAL) for the 39th Tucker Lecture in Civil Law, and Professor Vernon Palmer (Tulane University) for the closing panel. 36 papers where presented in 13 parallel sessions, including two sessions entirely in French, featuring a great variety of themes and jurisdictions. 400dpiLogo

Videos of the plenary events are available online: Opening and Keynote (Vivian Curran), Tucker Lecture (Francisco Reyes), and Closing Panel (Vernon Palmer and Bob Sloan as discussant). Conference Papers are to be published in a volume in the Juris Diversitas Book Series (Routledge).

Below is a selection of photos. Link to full album.

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Tucker Lecture by Professor Reyes in Video

You may now view the entire 39th Tucker Lecture by Professor Francisco Reyes with introductions by Dean Bill Corbett and Professor Olivier Moréteau in video: click here!



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Professor Francisco Reyes gives the 39th Tucker Lecture

Tuesday, May 31, 2016, Prof. Francisco Reyes, Superintendent of Companies for the Republic of Colombia and Chairman of the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for the period 2015-2016, delivered the 39th Tucker Lecture. His topic was “The Proposed Organization of American States Model Law on Simplified Corporations: Perspectives and Challenges.” The lecture was built on Prof. Reyes’s comparative study of the models of simplified corporation and its successful adoption in Colombia legislation, in 2008. He discussed ongoing harmonization efforts and the obstacles that need to be surpassed before a model law is adopted. The Lecture was well attended and well received, particularly by members of the law faculty and participants in the 4th Juris Diversitas Annual Conference, taking place at the same time at the LSU Law Center.

In his opening remarks, Interim Dean Bill Corbett expressed his joy in welcoming a longtime friend of the Law Center, and Prof. Olivier Moréteau gave a vibrant homage to the speaker and his unique achievements.


Prof. Francisco Reyes delivering his lecture


Interim Dean Bill Corbett welcoming Prof. Francisco Reyes


Prof. Olivier Moréteau introducing the event and the speaker.


Dean Bill Corbett, Ana Maria and Prof. Francisco Reyes, and Prof. Olivier Moréteau


A most lively Lecturer





A very attentive audience

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Juris Diversitas 4th Annual Conference: Final Program


Unity and/or Diversity

An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Comparative Law

Unité ou diversité

Colloque international et interdisciplinaire de droit comparé

Monday, May 30

8:45—9:15          Registration & Coffee                                     [Student Lounge]

9:15—9:30           PLENARY—OPENING & WELCOMING ADDRESS                 [Room 110]

  • William R. Corbett, Interim Dean, Frank L. Maraist Professor of Law and Wex S. Malone Professor of Law, LSU Law Center
  • Olivier Moréteau, Russell B. Long Chair, LSU Law Center, President of Juris Diversitas

9:30—10:30        PLENARY—KEYNOTE                                        [Room 110]                                                  

  • The Problematic of Invisibility for Law in a Transnationalized World, Vivian Grosswald Curran, University of Pittsburgh (United States)

10:30—11:00     Break                                                                                     [Student Lounge]

11:00—12:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS I                                                                     

I.A          Remixing Legal Traditions                                                  [Courtroom]           

  • Canada’s Legal Traditions: Sources of Unification, Diversification or Inspiration?, Rosalie Jukier, McGill University (Canada)
  • Unity and Diversity in Legal History of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Asya Ostroukh, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (Barbados)
  • Rebuilding the Somali Legal System: Towards a New Mixed Jurisdictions?, Salvatore Mancuso, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

I.B           Issues in Professional Liability: A Transnational Conversation     [Room 214]

  • Unity and Diversity in European Product Liability Law, Ádám Fuglinszky, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
  • Professional Liability in Civil Law and in Common Law, Domitilla Vanni Di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)
  • Liability of Internet Service Providers for the Invasion of (Data) Privacy — Unity in Terminology, Diversity in Content, Lukas Heckendorn, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

12:30—14:00     Lunch                                                                           [Tucker Room]

14:00—15:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS II   

II.A         The Struggle for Legal Identity                                         [Courtroom]           

  • An Essay on Ideology and Legal Education in Tiny Jurisdictions: The Example of Jersey, David Marrani, Institute of Law (Jersey)
  • Albanian Civil Code — An Example of Unity and Diversity in the Civil Law Family, Juliana Latifi, University of Tirana (Albania)
  • Commerce, Commonality, and Contract Law: Legal Reform in a Mixed Jurisdiction, Christopher K. Odinet, Southern University (United States)

II.B         L’absence de modèle unique : l’uniformisation en question         [Room 214]

  • Entre unité et diversité : la construction d’un droit des biens transsystémique, Yaëll Emerich, Université McGill (Canada)
  • Harmoniser la diversité en droit des successions : oui mais avec précaution, Francesco Paolo Traisci, Università degli studi del Molise (Italy)

15:30—16:00      Break                                                                         [Student Lounge]

16:00—17:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS III  

III.A        United in Diversity                                                      [Courtroom]          

  • Enantiosis and Comparative Law: The Case of Essentially Oxymoronic Concepts, Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Toxic Legal Thought Patterns: Cognitive Rhetoric Explains the Need for a Comparative Approach to Rhetoric in Law, Lucy Jewel, University of Tennessee (United States)
  • Dworkin on Legal Unity and Diversity, Christopher D. Boom, Tulane University (United States)

III.B        Societal and Legal Tensions in Africa                  [Room 214]                       

  • Mapping Traditional Authority Structures in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: Exploring the Status and Role of Traditional Authorities in a Decentralised Governance Structure, Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)
  • Developments in Child Custody under Customary Law in Nigeria and South Africa, Kagiso A. Maphalle, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Judicial Protection of Women’s Matrimonial Property Rights in Nigeria, Anthony C. Diala, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

19:30                     Conference Dinner                                                                          

Tuesday, May 31

9:15—10:30        PARALLEL SESSIONS IV  

IV.A        Competition Worldwide: Legal Strategies and Challenges           [Courtroom]

  • International Fragmentation of Competition Law: The Actual and Expected Contribution of BRICS Countries, Alexandr Svetlicinii, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Legal Diversity or Unity as a Product of Economic Strategies of Lawmakers under Regulatory Competition, Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas & Frédéric Marty, ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore) & GREDEG – CNRS / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)

IV.B        Singular Voices in a Pluralistic Universe              [Room 214]             

  • Legal Transfers and National Traditions: Patterns of Modernization of the Public Administration in Polish Lands at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century, Michał Gałędek, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
  • Remedies for Trial Delay in Malta and Italy: a Laboratory for European Integration?, David Edward Zammit & Caroline Savvidis, University of Malta (Malta)
  • “United in One Body:” Can ‘Black Lives Matter’ be Rousseau’s ‘Best Friends,’ Fernin F. Eaton, Baton Rouge (United States)

10:30—11:00      Break                                                                             [Student Lounge]

11:00—12:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS V   

V.A         La mondialisation et ses tensions                             [Courtroom]           

  • La fiducie québécoise : tensions et (r)évolution, Caroline Le Breton-Prévost, Université McGill (Canada)
  • Mondialisation et droit de la concurrence : vers une bipolarisation autant qu’une harmonisation des règles de droit ?, Anne M. Tercinet, EM Lyon Business School (France)
  • Comment le juriste français projette sa vision du droit dans le contexte de la mondialisation : une affaire d’influence ?, Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (United States)

V.B         Diverse in Unity?                                                               [Room 214]           

  • Anglophone and Civilian Convergence: The Question of Public Cultivation and Learning, Joseph P. Garske, (United States)
  • Global Legal Scholarship at Local Level, Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro (Italy)
  • Good Faith, United in Diversity?, Olivier Beddeleem, EDHEC Business School (France)

12:30—14:30     Lunch                                     [The Club at LSU Union Square]

14:30—16:00      PARALLEL SESSION VI    

VI.A       Fashion Law: Comparing Top Models           [Courtroom]          

  • On Fashion: Introductory Remarks, Susy Inés Bello Knoll, Austral University (Argentina)
  • Intellectual Property in Argentina, Latin America and USA, Pamela Echeverria, Fashion Law Institute (Argentina)
  • Intellectual Property in France and the European Union, Alice Pezard, Conseiller honoraire à la Cour de cassation (France)

16:00—16:30     Break                                                         [Student Lounge]

16:30—17:30     JURIS DIVERSITAS GENERAL MEETING     [Courtroom]    

17:30—18:00      Break

18:00—19:30     TUCKER LECTURE                       [McKernan Auditorium]  

  • The Proposed Organization of American States Model Law on Simplified Corporations: Perspectives and Challenges, Francisco Reyes, Chairman of UNCITRAL, Superintendent of Companies (Colombia)

19:30                     Reception                                                 [Student Lounge]


Wednesday, June 1

9:30—11:00        PARALLEL SESSIONS VII

VII.A      Beyond Universalism: Giving a Voice to the Unheard                                                                                                                                                          [Courtroom]

  • The Emergence of Alternative Antidiscrimination Frameworks between Universality and Diversity, Raphaële Xenidis, European University Institute of Florence (Italy)
  • Beyond the Boundaries of Consensus: Comparative Law, Social Theory, and Dissent, Denis de Castro Halis, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Periodic Review of Human Rights: Does One Size Fit All in the Pacific?, Sue Farran, Northumbria University (United Kingdom)

VII.B      Revisiting Human Rights: What Room for Consensus and Dissent       [Room 214]

  • Participation of Lay Citizens in the Criminal Trial in a Comparative Perspective — The Criminal Jury in France and Belgium, Claire M. Germain, University of Florida (United States)
  • Human Rights in National versus International Criminal Justice: The Gravity of Crimes as a Legitimate Source of Legal Pluralism?, Christophe Deprez, University of Liège (Belgium)

11:00—11:30      Break                                            [Student Lounge]                                               

11:30—12:30     PLENARY – CLOSING PANEL            [Courtroom]                      

  • Empires as Engines of Mixed Legal Systems, Vernon V. Palmer, Tulane University (United States)
  • Discussion, Robert Sloan, Louisiana State University (United States)
  • Conclusion, Olivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas
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LSU Law to Host the Juris Diversitas 4th Annual Conference



30 May to June 1, 2016

LSU Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Unity and/or Diversity

An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Comparative Law

Unité ou diversité

Colloque international et interdisciplinaire de droit comparé

Co-sponsored by

Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center

Center of Civil Law Studies

 Link to Event Registration

Monday, May 30

8:30—9:15           Registration & Coffee


9:30—10:30        PLENARY—KEYNOTE     

  • The Problematic of Invisibility for Law in a Transnationalized World, Vivian Grosswald Curran, University of Pittsburgh (United States)

10:30—11:00      Break

11:00—12:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS I    

I.A          Remixing Legal Traditions

  • Canada’s Legal Traditions: Sources of Unification, Diversification or Inspiration?, Rosalie Jukier, McGill University (Canada)
  • Unity and Diversity in Legal History of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Asya Ostroukh, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (Barbados)
  • Rebuilding the Somali Legal System: Towards a New Mixed Jurisdictions?, Salvatore Mancuso, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

I.B           Issues in Professional Liability: A Transnational Conversation

  • Unity and Diversity in European Product Liability Law, Ádám Fuglinszky, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
  • Professional Liability in Civil Law and in Common Law, Domitilla Vanni Di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)

12:30—14:00      Lunch

14:00—15:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS II   

II.A         The Struggle for Legal Identity

  • An Essay on Ideology and Legal Education in Tiny Jurisdictions: The Example of Jersey, David Marrani, Institute of Law (Jersey)
  • Albanian Civil Code — An Example of Unity and Diversity in the Civil Law Family, Juliana Latifi, University of Tirana (Albania)
  • Commerce, Commonality, and Contract Law: Legal Reform in a Mixed Jurisdiction, Christopher K. Odinet, Southern University (United States)

II.B         L’absence de modèle unique : l’uniformisation en question

  • Construction d’une démocratie multi-cultuelle au Bénin — Accommodements entre religion chrétienne et culte traditionnel vodou, Eric Ngango Youmbi, Université de Maroua (Cameroun)
  • Harmoniser la diversité en droit des successions : oui mais avec précaution, Francesco Paolo Traisci, Università degli studi del Molise (Italy)
  • Un droit au salaire minimum : l’impossible unité ?, Alexis Bugada, Aix-Marseille Université (France)

15:30—16:00      Break

16:00—17:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS III  

III.A        Diverse in Unity?

  • Anglophone and Civilian Convergence: The Question of Public Cultivation and Learning, Joseph P. Garske, (United States)
  • Global Legal Scholarship at Local Level, Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro (Italy)
  • Good Faith, United in Diversity?, Olivier Beddeleem, EDHEC Business School (France)

III.B        Societal and Legal Tensions in Africa

  • Mapping Traditional Authority Structures in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: Exploring the Status and Role of Traditional Authorities in a Decentralised Governance Structure, Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)
  • Developments in Child Custody under Customary Law in Nigeria and South Africa, Kagiso A. Maphalle, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Judicial Protection of Women’s Matrimonial Property Rights in Nigeria, Anthony C. Diala, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

19:30                     Conference Dinner


Tuesday, May 31

9:15—10:30        PARALLEL SESSIONS IV 

IV.A        Competition Worldwide: Legal Strategies and Challenges

  • International Fragmentation of Competition Law: The Actual and Expected Contribution of BRICS Countries, Alexandr Svetlicinii, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Legal Diversity or Unity as a Product of Economic Strategies of Lawmakers under Regulatory Competition, Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas & Frédéric Marty, ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore) & GREDEG – CNRS / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)

IV.B        Singular Voices in a Pluralistic Universe

  • Legal Transfers and National Traditions: Patterns of Modernization of the Public Administration in Polish Lands at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century, Michał Gałędek, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
  • Remedies for Trial Delay in Malta and Italy: a Laboratory for European Integration?, David Edward Zammit & Caroline Savvidis, University of Malta (Malta)

10:30—11:00      Break

11:00—12:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS V   

V.A         La mondialisation et ses tensions

  • La fiducie québécoise : tensions et (r)évolution, Caroline Le Breton-Prévost, Université McGill (Canada)
  • Mondialisation et droit de la concurrence : vers une bipolarisation autant qu’une harmonisation des règles de droit ?, Anne M. Tercinet, EM Lyon Business School (France)
  • Comment la doctrine économique américaine a participé à l’harmonisation des règles de droit antitrust en Europe ?, Jean-Christophe Roda, Université de Toulon (France)

V.B         United in Diversity

  • Enantiosis and Comparative Law: The Case of Essentially Oxymoronic Concepts, Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Toxic Legal Thought Patterns: Cognitive Rhetoric Explains the Need for a Comparative Approach to Rhetoric in Law, Lucy Jewel, University of Tennessee (United States)
  • Dworkin on Legal Unity and Diversity, Christopher D. Boom, Tulane University (United States)

12:30—14:30      Lunch

14:30—16:00      PARALLEL SESSIONS VI 

VI.A       Fashion Law: Comparing Top Models

  • On Fashion: Introductory Remarks, Susy Inés Bello Knoll, Austral University (Argentina)
  • Intellectual Property in Argentina, Latin America and USA, Pamela Echeverria, Fashion Law Institute (Argentina)
  • Intellectual Property in France and the European Union, Alice Pezard, Conseiller honoraire à la Cour de cassation (France)

VI.B        Of Land, Blood and Race

  • Race and Nation. On Ius Sanguinis and the Origins of a Racist National Perspective, Carlos Amunátegui Perelló, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Chile)
  • Land Reform and the Restructuring of Post-Apartheid Namibia with Specific Reference to Informal Settlements, Sam Kwesi Amoo, University of Namibia (Namibia)
  • “United in One Body:” Can ‘Black Lives Matter’ be Rousseau’s ‘Best Friends,’ Fernin F. Eaton, Baton Rouge (United States)

16:00—16:30      Break

16:30—17:30      JURIS DIVERSITAS GENERAL MEETING            

17:30—18:00      Break

18:00—19:30     TUCKER LECTURE                

  • The Proposed Organization of American States Model Law on Simplified Corporations: Perspectives and Challenges, Francisco Reyes, Chairman of UNCITRAL, Superintendent of Companies (Colombia)

19:30                     Reception


Wednesday, June 1

9:30—11:00        PARALLEL SESSIONS VII

VII.A      Beyond Universalism: Giving a Voice to the Unheard

  • The Emergence of Alternative Antidiscrimination Frameworks between Universality and Diversity, Raphaële Xenidis, European University Institute of Florence (Italy)
  • Beyond the Boundaries of Consensus: Comparative Law, Social Theory, and Dissent, Denis de Castro Halis, University of Macau (Macau)
  • Periodic Review of Human Rights: Does One Size Fit All in the Pacific?, Sue Farran, Northumbria University (United Kingdom)

VII.B      Revisiting Human Rights: What Room for Consensus and Dissent

  • Participation of Lay Citizens in the Criminal Trial in a Comparative Perspective — The Criminal Jury in France and Belgium, Claire M. Germain, University of Florida (United States)
  • The Ambiguous Role of Comparative Law in the European Court of Human Rights’ Case Law: Unity and Diversity in Succession Law, Filippo Viglione & Giovanni Cinà, University of Padua (Italy)
  • Human Rights in National versus International Criminal Justice: The Gravity of Crimes as a Legitimate Source of Legal Pluralism?, Christophe Deprez, University of Liège (Belgium)

11:00—11:30      Break

11:30—12:30      PLENARY—CLOSING PANEL  

  • Empires as Engines of Mixed Legal Systems, Vernon V. Palmer, Tulane University (United States)
  • [Participants to be announced]
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