Category: Geoengineering

Geoengineering Resources

Geoengineering tag cloud Holahan, R. & Kashwan, P., 2019. Disentangling the rhetoric of public goods from their externalities: The case of climate engineering. Global Transitions, 1, pp.132–140. McLaren, D. et al., 2016. Public conceptions of justice in climate engineering: Evidence…

The Mississippi River Delta Cycle and Coastal Restoration

  Click here – Video of a presentation by Prof. Edward Richards to the LSU Mineral Law Institute on the delta cycle and the coastal erosion lawsuit. (1.3gb file – works best if you download it before playing. Otherwise it…

Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System;jsessionid=625A3B85BB9B43FA186F913679972043.c3 INTRODUCTION Part of Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System Geoengineering techniques for countering climate change have been receiving much press recently as a `Plan B’ if a global deal to tackle climate change is not agreed…

Public Relations for Diversions 101

Answering 10 Fundamental Questions about the Mississippi River Delta (original link) This is one of many reports advocating for river diversions. The basic claim is simple: Diversions will have impacts on vegetation, particularly on the distribution of some plant species. However,…

West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction Study This is levee system will protect I-10 as it enters New Orleans from the west. Appendix A  has useful information from Fish and Wildlife about endangered species in Louisiana and how the proposed levee will adversely impact them. West…

Geoengineering the climate – Science governance and uncertainty

Geoengineering the climate – Science, governance and uncertainty Shepherd, JG. Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty. Royal Society, 2009. The continuing rise in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, is driving…

The Pontchartrain Levee District Progress Report – 2012

The Pontchartrain Levee District Progress Report – 2012 From the Report: The Pontchartrain Levee District (PLD) is the local sponsor for the projects referenced herein. Currently, there are projects in each of the six parishes comprising the PLD’s jurisdiction. As…

CRS – Flood Damage Related to Army Corps of Engineers Projects

CRS – Flood Damage Related to Army Corps of Engineers Projects: Selected Legal Issues, June 7, 2011 (RL34131) Summary Over the past century, the federal government has undertaken a number of civil works projects to prevent widespread damage from flooding…

A Dutch perspective on coastal Louisiana flood risk

This is an interesting report commissioned by the United States Army’s London office. It assumes 2 feet of ocean rise over the next 100 years, and while it mentions subsidence, it does change its calculations based on subsidence in Louisiana.…

The Regulation of Geoengineering – HC 5th Report

Rayner, S., Redgwell, C., Savulescu, J., Pidgeon, N. & Kruger, T. in The Regulation of Geoengineering: Fifth Report of the Session 2009–10 HC 221 (House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, 2010) – original link  

Ocean Rise in New York State

New York State Sea Level Rise Task Force, Report to the Legislature, December 2010.

The communities along New York State’s coastline, including their structures, their residents, their environment and the surrounding natural resources, are products of decisions made over the course of many years. These decisions shaped decades of investment, development and conservation. While the extent of the impacts to coastal communities from a rising sea are not fully known, even the most conservative projections make clear that there will be dramatic changes in this century.[…]

Blowing the Mississippi Levee – 2011

This post reviews the ongoing legal issues in the blowing of the levee at Birds Point. While the levee has not been blown since 1937, this was also litigated in 1984.