Author: richards


FloodFactor – Find your home’s Flood Factor – Tool for Determining Present and Future Flood Risk Flood Factor™ Defining American’s past, present, and future flood risk. Flood Factor is a free online tool created by the nonprofit First Street Foundation that makes it easy for Americans to finally find their property’s current and future risk of flooding,…

SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America

Majority Staff Report, Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America (June 2020) Executive Summary American leadership and ingenuity are central to…

Law: Carbon Capture and Storage, Technological Advancements and Operational Hurdles – Feb 2020

“Law: Carbon Capture and Storage, Technological Advancements and Operational Hurdles” – recording National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Grant ECOLE: Emerging Technologies in Occupational Health and the Environment Workshop Program February 14, 2020 9AM-12:00 Noon 8:45 – Welcome 9:00 -10:15…

FEMA – Disaster Operations Legal Reference Manuals

Version 3.1 This mid-edition online update of the Disaster Operations Legal Reference (DOLR 3.1) describes the legal authorities for FEMA’s readiness, response, and recovery activities. It supersedes DOLR 3.0, issued in March 2017. Because this reference is not exhaustive, the…

California – Climate Change and Sea Level Assessment

Council, Ocean Protection. “State of California Sea Level Rise Guidance, 2018 Update.” Ocean Protection Council: Sacramento, CA, USA (2018): 84. This updated document, the “State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance” (Guidance), provides a bold, science-based methodology for state and local…

The Paris Climate Change Agreement

The Paris Agreement – Full Text Sachs, Noah, The Paris Agreement in the 2020s: Breakdown or Breakup? (October 3, 2019). Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2019. The Paris climate agreement is at risk of falling apart in the…

FISCAL MONITOR: How to Mitigate Climate Change, IMF (2019)

FISCAL MONITOR: How to Mitigate Climate Change, IMF (2019) The projections included in this issue of the Fiscal Monitor are drawn from the same database used for the October 2019 World Economic Outlook and Global Financial Stability Report (and are…

Federal Disaster Insurance – Senate Report – 1956

Federal Disaster Insurance, Report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate (January, 9 1956) – large file LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, November 30, 1955. Hon. J. W. FULBRIGHT, Chairman, Committee…

Geoengineering Resources

Geoengineering tag cloud Holahan, R. & Kashwan, P., 2019. Disentangling the rhetoric of public goods from their externalities: The case of climate engineering. Global Transitions, 1, pp.132–140. McLaren, D. et al., 2016. Public conceptions of justice in climate engineering: Evidence…

Hurricanes Affecting the Coast of Texas from Galveston to Rio Grande – 1956

Waves and high waters accompanying storms of hurricane intensity have periodically wreaked havoc along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the United States. Adequate, and economic, design of shore structures to prevent or mitigate this damage requires historical knowledge of…

Strategies to Address Climate Change Risk in Low- and Moderate-income Communities – San Francisco Fed

This issue of the Community Development Innovation Review offers strategies that address climate change risk in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities. As these communities begin to grapple with a changing environment, strategic investments can increase resiliency and support adaptation while simultaneously advancing…

Surging Waters: Science Empowering Communities in the Face of Flooding

Surging Waters: Science Empowering Communities in the Face of Flooding is a report produced by AGU, a global not-for-profit scientific society dedicated to advancing the Earth and space sciences for the benefit of humanity. The report is reviewed by leading…

NRDC – Going Under: Long Wait Times for Post-Flood Buyouts Leave Homeowners Underwater

NRDC, Going Under: Long Wait Times for Post-Flood Buyouts Leave Homeowners Underwater (2019) (Original LInk) Sea level rise and increased flooding are already affecting homes and communities across the United States. The hard truth is that these climate change impacts…

The Private Flood Insurance Market

Kousky, Carolyn, et al. “The emerging private residential flood insurance market in the United States.” Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center (2018). Bakkensen, Laura A., and Lint Barrage. Flood Risk Belief Heterogeneity and Coastal Home Price Dynamics: Going Under…

Qualified Immunity from Constitutional Torts

Cleveland v. Bell , 5th Cir., No. 18-30968, 9/13/19 Prison nurse who ignored the deceased prisoner’s requests for medical care found to have qualified immunity from a 1983 claim. She did not show conscious indifference to his plight because she…

2018 State of U.S. High Tide Flooding with a 2019 Outlook

NOAA, 2018 State of U.S. High Tide Flooding with a 2019 Outlook, NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 090 (June 2019) SUMMARY NOAA tide gauges are measuring rapid changes across the entire severity-spectrum of coastal flood risk along U.S. coastlines due…

Global trends in climate change litigation: 2019 snapshot

Setzer, Joana, and Rebecca Byrnes. “Global trends in climate change litigation: 2019 snapshot.” (2019). Headline issues • Climate change litigation continues to expand across jurisdictions as a tool to strengthen climate action, though more evidence of its impact is needed.…


STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD WORLDWIDE THREAT ASSESSMENT of the US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY January 29, 2019. Environment and Climate Change Global environmental and ecological degradation, as well as climate change, are likely to fuel competition for resources, economic distress, and social…

Coastal Zone Management in Louisiana

Karl L. Morgan, The Regulatory Environment of Coastal Louisiana, 6 LSU J. of Energy L. & Resources (2018) Available at:  

The Precautionary Principle

Bourguignon, Didier. “The precautionary principle: Definitions, applications and governance.” European Parliament Research Service Paper (2015). Treaty on European Union, Article 191 2. Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high level of protection taking into account the diversity…

The First Climate Treaty – The Montreal Protocol

Chlorofluorocarbons and Ozone Depletion – A National Historic Chemical Landmark Molina, Mario J., and F. Sherwood Rowland. “Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalysed destruction of ozone.” Nature 249.5460 (1974): 810. (the first ozone hole paper) Environmental Protection Agency. “Regulatory Impact Analysis:…


Legal Pathways To Deep Decarbonization In The United States: Summary And Key Recommendations (Publisher’s WWW site) Dernbach, John C., The Dozen Types of Legal Tools in the Deep Decarbonization Toolbox (September 10, 2018). 39 Energy Law Journal 101; Widener Law Commonwealth…

Sea-level rise Projections for Maryland 2018

In fulfillment of requirements of the Maryland Commission on Climate Change Act of 2015, this report provides updated projections of the amount of sea-level rise relative to Maryland coastal lands that is expected into the next century. These projections represent…

Climate Change Risks to Mountain Ecology and Communities

Alfthan, B., Gjerdi, H.L., Puikkonen, L., Andresen, M., Semernya, L., Schoolmeester, T., Jurek, M. (2018). Mountain Adaptation Outlook Series – Synthesis Report. United Nations Environment Programme, and GRID-Arendal, Nairobi, Vienna, and Arendal., – Original Link Also see: Alfthan, B., Gupta,…

Putting the Camp Fire in perspective

The Great Fire of 1910 (original link) This is a report on the Fire of 1910, which burned over 3,000,000 acres/4,700 sq. miles over a weekend. (Likely started by flaming cinders from a steam train.) The Camp Fire burned about 100,000…