Author: richards


Congress Reforms the National Flood Insurance Program

Full Text of the Bill – Technical Correction Congressional Committee Report – Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 Homeland Security: Privacy Impact Assessment, National Flood Insurance Program Information Technology System, Oct. 12, 2012 Georgetown Climate Center Analysis of the Flood Insurance Reform…

The Battle of Lake Pontchartrain

The story of the fight against shell dredging in Lake Pontchartrain, one of the great environmental battles in Louisiana. The Battle of Lake Pontchartrain

Protecting Wetlands and Wildlife Habitat While Reducing Flood Losses

Protecting Wetlands and Wildlife Habitat While Reducing Flood Losses: A Guidebook on Interagency Collaboration in the Mississippi River Basin In May 2011, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and the University of North Carolina Institute for the Environment (UNC-IE), together with the Wisconsin Wetlands…

Friends of the Everglades 2009

Friends of the Everglades v. South Florida Water Management District, 570 F.3d 1210 (11th Cir. 2009), cert. denied, 131 S. Ct. 643 (2010). Petition for certiorari Brief for United States Sugar Corporation in opposition Brief for the United States in opposition…

The Tulloch Rule

The Tulloch Cases and rule deal with the redeposition of dredged material. Tulloch II – The decision on remand of Tulloch I Tulloch chronology thru 2001 Tulloch_Conforming_Q-As – EPA’s modification of the rule based on the cases. The EPA stepped back to…

Hammond Wetland Wastewater Assimilation Project – Sewage Diversion

This project dumps partially treated sewage into the wetlands. The rationale is that this sewage will build new wetlands. The reality is that it saves fixing the treatment plant and is destroying the wetlands. Hammond-WW-Attainability-5-01-05 Consultant’s report justifying the project. 2005…

Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2011

Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2011: The numbers and trends Debby Guha-Sapir Femke Vos Regina Below with Sylvain Ponserre (UNISDR) (WHO) 2012.07.05.ADSR_2011 In 2011, 332 natural disasters were registered, less than the average annual disaster frequency observed from 2001 to 2010 (384).…

Green Scissors 2011

Green Scissors 2011 tackles environmentally harmful spending in four major areas: energy, agriculture, transportation, and land and water. In each section, we provide an overview of the topic, a summary chart of the spending cuts, and more detailed information on…

Emergency Powers and Hurricane Isaac

For the past several decades there has been a push by both conservatives and liberals to restrict agency discretion. Conservatives want to keep agencies from acting, and liberals want to force agencies to act in certain ways. This makes it…

Evacuation Roulette

The Isaac track continues to veer toward the mouth of the Mississippi and through New Orleans. The US model puts it right on that track. The average of the other models pulls it east, but those are changing. The gulf…

Ocean Rise, Saltwater Intrusion, and the Future of Mississippi Navigation

As the level of the Mississippi falls this year, it allows saltwater to move up the channel: This will create problems if the river flow gets low enough to allow the salt water to reach the New Orleans drinking…

A Dutch perspective on coastal Louisiana flood risk

This is an interesting report commissioned by the United States Army’s London office. It assumes 2 feet of ocean rise over the next 100 years, and while it mentions subsidence, it does change its calculations based on subsidence in Louisiana.…

Is Mississippi River Water Toxic Waste?

Mississippi River Water Quality and the Clean Water Act: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities, National Research Council (2008) This report focuses on water quality problems in the Mississippi River and the ability of the Clean Water Act to address them. Data…

5th Circuit Upholds Ruling in Katrina Levee Breaches Litigation – Update – Case rejected

Update: Court dismisses Katrina Levee Breach cases under FTCA – In re Katrina Canal Breaches Litigation, 696 F.3d 436 (5th Cir.(La.) 2012) Additional cases and commentary The 5th Circuit just affirmed the lower court decision in the Katrina Levee Breaches Litigation.…

Study of the Economic Effects of Charging Actuarially Based Premium Rates for Pre-FIRM Structures

This report presents the results of a study on the economic effects of charging actuarially based premiums for pre-FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) structures. The study was performed in response to Section 578 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act…

The Regulation of Geoengineering – HC 5th Report

Rayner, S., Redgwell, C., Savulescu, J., Pidgeon, N. & Kruger, T. in The Regulation of Geoengineering: Fifth Report of the Session 2009–10 HC 221 (House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, 2010) – original link  

Atlas of Shoreline Changes in Louisiana From 1853 to 1989

S. Jeffress Williams, Shea Penland, Asbury H. Sallenger, Donald W. Davis, Louisiana Barrier Island Erosion Study : Atlas of Shoreline Changes in Louisiana From 1853 to 1989 (U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2150-A) 1992

Climate and large scale scale human crisis (original link) Recent studies have shown strong temporal correlations between past climate changes and societal crises. However, the specific causal mechanisms underlying this relation have not been addressed. We explored quantitative responses of 14 fine-grained agro-ecological, socioeconomic, and demographic…

Climate Change Adaptation and the Structural Transformation of Environmental Law or The path of environmental law has come to a cliff called climate change, and there is no turning around. As climate change policy dialogue emerged in the 1990s, however, the perceived urgency of attention to mitigation strategies designed to…

States plan to develop land most vulnerable to ocean rise

Rising sea level threatens existing coastal wetlands. Overall ecosystems could often survive by migrating inland, if adjacent lands remained vacant. On the basis of 131 state and local land use plans, we estimate that almost 60% of the land below…

Florida’s Financial Exposure from Its “Self-Insurance” Programs

Florida’s current homeowner’s insurance system is broken. One major hurricane has the potential to bankrupt private insurers, and the State’s self-insurance programs, devastating Florida’s already weakened economy (Miami Herald, 21 Sept 2009). State officials are certainly aware of the problem,…

Healing a Broken World

The Society of Jesus on the environment: Society of Jesus, HEALING A BROKEN WORLD: Task Force on Ecology (2011)

GAO Reports on Geoengineering

Climate Engineering:  Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential Responses.  GAO-11-71, July 28. Highlights – Podcast –

EPA Green House Gas Regs

Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act Related Links Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the…

Supreme Court rejects federal common law claims over green house gasses

American Elec. Power Co., Inc. v. Connecticut, 131 S.Ct. 2527 (2011) – Supreme Court rejects common law claims against green house gas emitters as preempted by federal regulatory law. State nusiance claims were not brief by the parties and were remanded…