Author: richards


Louisiana Levee Board Coastal Erosion Law Suit

The legal documents The Original State Court Petition Law Professor’s Brief on Louisiana Public Trust Doctrine Notice of Removal Motion to Remand Plaintiff’s Memorandum in Support of Motion to Remand Order blocking removal from federal court back to state court.…

The Little REDD Book

The Little REDD Book Launched at the UNFCCC climate summit in December 2008 The Little REDD Book is a guide to the UN negotiations on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). REDD aims to help halt deforestation, which causes…

Environmental And Health Impacts Of Canada’S Oil Sands Industry

The Royal Society Of Canada Expert Panel, Executive Summary: Environmental And Health Impacts Of Canada’S Oil Sands Industry Development of the oil sands in northern Alberta has become an issue of growing public interest in recent year, with highly polarized…

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Natural Resource Damage Assessment Under the Oil Pollution Act

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Natural Resource Damage Assessment Under the Oil Pollution Act The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill leaked an estimated 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, damaging the waters, shores, and marshes,…

Global climate change: National security implications – 2008

Global climate change: National security implications – 2008 On March 30-31, 2007, the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) and the Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS) held a colloquium on “Global Climate Change: National Security Implications.” The 2-day event took place…

Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States – 2009

Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States – 2009 What is this report? This report summarizes the science of climate change and the impacts of climate change on the United States, now and in the future. It is largely…

The National Global Change Research Plan 2012-2021

The National Global Change Research Plan 2012-2021, NRC 2012 From the transmittal letter: I am pleased to transmit a copy of The National Global Change Research Plan 2012- 2021: A Strategic Plan for the U. S. Global Change Research Program…

Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

Field, Christopher B, Vicente Barros, Thomas F Stocker, and Qin Dahe, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge University Press 2012).    

U.S. Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme Weather

This report—part of the Administration’s efforts to support national climate change adaptation planning through the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force and Strategic Sustainability Planning process established under Executive Order 13514 and to advance the U.S. Department of Energy’s goal…

New York City Plan for Climate Change

Read the Report On June 11, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced “A Stronger, More Resilient New York”, a comprehensive plan that contains actionable recommendations both for rebuilding the communities impacted by Sandy and increasing the resilience of infrastructure and buildings citywide.…

Global Estimates 2012 – People displaced by disasters

Global Estimates 2012 – People displaced by disasters The displacement of people by the risk and impact of disasters is a concern for policymakers in both rich and poor countries worldwide. Since 2009, the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring…

Climate Change: Future Federal Adaptation Efforts Could Better Support Local Infrastructure Decision Makers

CLIMATE CHANGE: Future Federal Adaptation Efforts Could Better Support Local Infrastructure Decision Makers, GAO-13-242 – April 2015 According to the National Research Council (NRC) and others, infrastructure such as roads and bridges, wastewater systems, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration…

The CPRA case for diversions and levees

The Use of Mississippi River Sediment for Restoration Projects in Louisiana – Russ J. Joffrion, PE, Engineer Manager, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Engineering Division Implications of Sea Level Rise: Case Study on the East Land Bridge Dennis Lambert, PE, Area…

Hurricane Betsy Resources

Hurricane Betsy: Preliminary Report, with Advisories and Bulletins Issued, September 15th, 1965 DA Godeau & WC Conner, Storm surge over the Mississippi River delta accompanying Hurricane Betsy, 1965, 96 Monthly Weather Review 118–124 (1968). Forrest, Thomas R., Hurricane, Betsy, 1965;…

Mississippi River Freshwater Diversions in Southern Louisiana – 2012

Teal, J.M., R. Best, J. Caffrey, C.S. Hopkinson, K.L. McKee, J.T. Morris, S. Newman and B. Orem. 2012. Mississippi River Freshwater Diversions in Southern Louisiana: Effects on Wetland Vegetation, Soils, and Elevation. Edited by A.J. Lewitus, M. Croom, T. Davison,…

The Pontchartrain Levee District Progress Report – 2012

The Pontchartrain Levee District Progress Report – 2012 From the Report: The Pontchartrain Levee District (PLD) is the local sponsor for the projects referenced herein. Currently, there are projects in each of the six parishes comprising the PLD’s jurisdiction. As…

Comprehensive environmental study of post-Katrina levees

The Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a public meeting Tuesday evening to explain the comprehensive environmental document developed for the improvements made to the New Orleans area hurricane levee system. The document takes the place of a comprehensive environmental…

Subsidence in coastal Louisiana: causes, rates, and effects on wetlands – 1983

Boesch, D. F., D. Levin, D. Nummedal, and K. Bowles. 1983. Subsidence in coastal Louisiana: causes, rates, and effects on wetlands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Washington, DC. FWS/OBS-83/26. 30 pp. Summary Coastal wetlands are being…

ASFPM Report: Flood Mapping for the Nation

ASFPM Report: Flood Mapping for the Nation Executive Summary: The Association of State Floodplain Managers has developed an estimate, based on a careful analysis, of the total cost to provide floodplain mapping for all communities in the nation based on…

Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States – 2012

Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment, December 6, 2012. Global sea level rise has been a persistent trend for decades. It is expected to continue beyond the end of this century, which will cause…

The Impact of Hurricane Isaac on Louisiana After Hurricane Katrina questions were raised about the long term safety of low lying communities outside the New Orleans levee system. No decisions were made and redevelopment was funded in these communities. These areas were flooded by Hurricane Gustav,…

Climate Change and Existing Law – CRS

Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues Past, Present, and Future This report surveys existing law for legal issues that have arisen, or may arise in the future, on account of climate change and government responses thereto.…

Tropical Cyclone Report – Hurricane Sandy

Eric S. Blake, Todd B. Kimberlain, Robert J. Berg, John P. Cangialosi and John L. Beven II, Tropical Cyclone Report – Hurricane Sandy (AL182012) 22 – 29 October 2012, National Hurricane Center, 12 February 2013. Sandy was a classic late-season…

Flood Control History

The Nation’s Responses To Flood Disasters: A Historical Account Alexander, J.S., Wilson, R.C., and Green, W.R., 2012, A brief history and summary of the effects of river engineering and dams on the Mississippi River system and delta: U.S. Geological Survey…

EU Floods Directive

Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks. More information

CRS – Flood Damage Related to Army Corps of Engineers Projects

CRS – Flood Damage Related to Army Corps of Engineers Projects: Selected Legal Issues, June 7, 2011 (RL34131) Summary Over the past century, the federal government has undertaken a number of civil works projects to prevent widespread damage from flooding…