LSU and the Lyon LL.M. in International and European Business Law

Professor Olivier Moréteau taught an intensive Comparative Tort Law class the week of Thanksgiving, in the LLM in International and European Business Law at Université Jean Moulin, Lyon, France.

He met with Christopher (Chris) Sidebottom, LSU JD/DCL 2014, who took his class. Chris attended part of the program last spring as an exchange student, graduated at LSU, passed the Illinois Bar, and registered on his own in the Lyon Program to earn the LLM.

LSU Law students can indeed have a ‘semester abroad’ experience in Lyon, attending one semester of the program and transferring credits towards their JD/DCL at LSU. LLM credits are capitalized in Lyon where LSU Law graduates can return on their own to complete another semester and earn the Lyon LLM. Chris Sidebottom is not the first student to do this and fully benefit from a truly international environment with students and faculty from all continents. 2L Elisa Samaniego is due to spend a semester in Lyon next spring.

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Tle Lyon LLM Class

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Chris Sidebottom, JD/DCL LSU 2014 and LLM Lyon 2014

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Anne-Sophie Berthier, LLM Coordinator, who also works with the LSU Summer Program in Lyon, here with Prof. Moréteau

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Prof. Moréteau with his Lyon Comparative Tort Law Students

About moreteau

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