Agustin Parise Receives Prestigious Book Award

Dr. Agustín Parise, LLM LSU (2006), former Research Associate at the CCLS (2006-2010) and Distinguished Global Visiting Professor at LSU Law (2018), currently Associate Professor at Maastricht University, received the Facultad Award from University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) for his book on the influence of the civil code of Louisiana in the civil code of Argentina. This award is granted annually since 1892. This is one of the most prestigious awards in all of Latin America.

Book Cover of Historia de la Codificación  Civil  del  Estado  de  Luisiana y su Influencia en el Código Civil ArgentinoThe book is entitled Historia de la Codificación  Civil  del  Estado  de  Luisiana y su Influencia en el Código Civil Argentino. Agustín wrote his book while he was Research Associate at the Center of Civil Law Studies of LSU.

In his book, in Spanish, Agustín offered the following acknowledgments:

[…] The research in Louisiana was accomplished exclusively due to the support provided by Olivier Moréteau, who, as director of the Center of Civil Law Studies of Louisiana State University, hosted the projects and research that derived in this book.

Alain A. Levasseur, Saul Litvinoff, Robert A. Pascal, Julio Romañach (h) and Jacques Vanderlinden also helped in the elaboration of this book by reacting to questions and through advice and explanations.

[…] Members of the Louisiana State University Law Library were of enormous help in providing materials. I also thank Kevin Baggett and Phillip Gragg for their assistance with interlibrary loans; and I thank Randall Thompson, James Wade, Vicenç Feliu and Mary Johns for their effective reference services. The Director of the Louisiana Law Library, Georgia D. Chadwick, offered special support by providing bibliographic materials. Louis V. de la Vergne was never tired and was eager to provide materials from his personal collection and, thus, expanded the universe of research.

Dr. Agustin Parise delivering a lecture at LSU Law

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Professor Moréteau Presenting on the LSU Bi-Jural Curriculum at the IALS, Doha, Qatar

On November 10-12, 2018, Professor Olivier Moréteau represented LSU Law at the International Association of Law School (IALS) Annual Meeting in Doha, Qatar.

75 institutions and 35 countries were represented, with 120 participants. The general topic was From Imitation to Innovation. Prof. Moréteau participated on a panel “Reconciling Contemporary Comparative Perspectives of Differing Legal Systems”, presenting on “Bi-Jural Education in a Mixed Jurisdiction: A Gateway to Global Practice”.

Moreteau presenting with panel Moreteau at the podium The panel facing participants Moreteau at the podium with panel participants

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Professor Attila Harmathy Delivers the 41st Tucker Lecture

On November 8, 2018, Professor Emeritus Attila Harmathy (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary) delivered the 41st John H. Tucker, jr. Lecture in Civil Law. Under the title “Comparative Law and the Development of Civil Law in a Country Under Transformation,” Professor Harmathy offered a multidimensional panorama of the evolution of the Civil Law in Hungary from the 11th to the 21st century, based on his immense scholarship, his experience as a Justice of the Constitutional Court and as the mastermind of the recent efforts leading to a new Civil Code for Hungary. The event was attended by over 100 alumni, faculty, and students.

Professor Olivier Moréteau introducing Professor Attila Harmathy

Professor Olivier Moréteau introducing Professor Attila Harmathy

Professor Harmathy delivering the 41st Tucker Lecture in Civil Law

Professor Harmathy delivering the 41st Tucker Lecture in Civil Law

In the Robinson Courtroom at the LSU Law Center

In the Robinson Courtroom at the LSU Law Center

In front of a large public of faculty, students and alumni

In front of a large public of faculty, students and alumni

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LL.M. Class of 2019

The LSU Law Center welcomes the LL.M. class of 2019: Sofia Bentrari (Aix-Marseille, France), Gabriel Colombani (Aix-Marseille, France), Sandrine Coutaud (Nantes, France), Giovanna De Assis Barreira Silva (Uruaçu, Brazil), Henri Haguet (Le Mans, France), Florencia Ibanez (Argentina and Louisiana), Noémie Le Colleter (Grenoble, France), Nancy Maurice (Martinique, France), and Sheena Thompson (Honduras and Louisiana).

Photos taken at the Faculty Reception, September 18, 2018

LLM Class of 2019 with Prof. Moreteau, Christabelle Lefebvre and Camille Renard

LLM Class of 2019 with Prof. Moréteau, Christabelle Lefebvre and Camille Renard

Robert Sloan, Prof. Paul Baier, Prof. Alain Levasseur, and Dean Tom Galligan welcoming the LLMs

Robert Sloan, Prof. Paul Baier, Prof. Alain Levasseur, and Dean Tom Galligan welcoming the LLMs

Prof. Moréteau welcoming the LLMs at the Faculty Reception of September 18, 2018

Prof. Moréteau welcoming the LLMs at the Faculty Reception of September 18, 2018

Prof. Olivier Moréteau and Christabelle Lefebvre

Prof. Olivier Moréteau and Christabelle Lefebvre

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Louisiana Civil Code Online: Summer Update

Louisiana Civil Code Online (LCCO) gives full and free access to the Louisiana Civil Code in English and in French. Whether you know the code article you are looking for or the topic covered, the site is easy to navigate from the interactive Table of Contents, available in English and in French. The search function (Ctrl+F) allows you to navigate using keywords. Clicking the EN/FR button allows you to pull out provisions in both languages.

Following to this Summer Update and Cleanup, the site, Both English and French texts stand as revised and amended through the 2017 legislative sessions. Changes made in the 2018 legislative sessions are currently processed and will appear on LCCO within a few weeks.

The Table of Contents in French has been revised and can be downloaded in PDF format. Typos and layout discrepancies have been fixed.

The bilingual civil code is also available in print:

Cover page of Code civil de Louisiane edition bilingueCode civil de Louisiane, édition bilingue, Olivier Moréteau (Ed.) with a Foreword by J.C. Gémar and an Introduction by O. Moréteau (in French), Société de législation comparée, Paris, 2017.

See review by Jean-Louis Baudoin (in French) and discussion by Miriam Childs (go to p. 4).

See presentation at the Académie des Sciences d’Outre-Mer, Paris, November 29, 2017.

See presentation at the Supreme Court of Louisiana, New Orleans, April 24, 2018.





Louisiana Civil Code Online (LCCO) vous offre un accès complet et gratuit au Code civil de French flag with Arc de triomphe ParisLouisiane en anglais et en français. Que vous connaissiez ou non les numéros d’articles, la table des matières interactive facilite la navigation, possible aussi à partir de mots clés (Ctrl+F). Le bouton EN/FR vous permet de lire le code dans les deux langues simultanément.

Le site a été révisé cet été et est à jour des réformes adoptées en 2017. Les changements adoptés en 2018 sont en cours de traitement et seront bientôt en ligne. La table des matières en français a été révisée et peut être téléchargée en format PDF. La présentation a été améliorée.

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LSU-Lyon Jean Moulin Accord Renewed

Lyon, July 18, 2018. Visiting with our Lyon Summer Program, Dean Tom Galligan met with the Lyon Dean Hervé de Gaudemar to sign the renewal of the Accord with University Jean Moulin, which has been in place since 2003. This marks fifteen years of unparalleled cooperation, which allowed over the years hundreds of LSU students to participate in the Lyon Summer Program. The number of LSU students visiting for a longer period (semester abroad) keeps growing, some coming back to earn the Lyon LL.M. in European and International Business Law (in English). Meantime, a number of LSU faculty, U.S. Judges and top practitioners have taught in Lyon, and LSU has welcomed almost every year Lyon students as exchange students or in our LL.M. in Comparative Law.

Meantime, under the leadership of Prof. Phil Hackney and with the help, inter alia, of Anne-Sophie Berthier and Roy Carpenter, over 40 LSU students enjoy the Lyon program and witnessed the success of the French national soccer team as it earned its second World Cup in history: see short video and visit the Facebook page of the program.

Dean Hervé de Gaudemar and Dean Tom Galligan signing the renewal of the Accord under the portrait of Jean Moulin

Dean Hervé de Gaudemar and Dean Tom Galligan signing the renewal of the Accord under the portrait of Jean Moulin

A visit of a winery and wine tasting are of course a must in the program, whether or not Prof. John Church teaches his Law and Wine course. Law and Art is taught this year by Prof. Phil Hackey, program director.

A visit of a winery and wine tasting are of course a must in the program, whether or not Prof. John Church teaches his Law and Wine course. Law and Art is taught this year by Prof. Phil Hackey, program director.

the two Deans signing the Accord

the two Deans signing the Accord

Dean Hervé de Gaudemar and Dean Tom Galligan

Dean Hervé de Gaudemar and Dean Tom Galligan

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Professor Paul Baier at the Capital Area Luncheon of the Louisiana Bar Foundation

On Thursday, May 3, 2018, Professor Paul Baier attended the Louisiana Bar Foundation Capital Area Community Partnership Panel Annual Fellows Luncheon in Downtown Baton Rouge. LBF President W. Michael Street invited him to give remarks, acknowledging Prof. Baier as the first Scholar-in-Residence in the life of the Foundation, leading to the publication of Speeches, copies of which were signed for President Michael Street and Executive Director Donna Cuneo. Prof. Baier greeted his LSU colleagues Prof. Maggie Thomas and Olivier Moréteau also in attendance.

The Louisiana Bar Foundation exists to preserve, honor, and improve our system of justice by funding, developing or otherwise promoting efforts which enhance the legal profession, increase public understanding of the legal system and advance the reality of equal justice under the law.


  • Assure every person in Louisiana reasonable access to the justice system regardless of mental or physical condition, economic status, or type of legal problem.
  • Identify, acquire, preserve, enhance and exhibit documents, items, photographs, and other types of media items of significant historical interest to the Louisiana legal community and to the general public.
  • Promote public awareness and understanding of the legal system and its goals, as well as the rights and obligations of all parties involved.
  • Raise the ethical and professional standards of the lawyers who operate the legal system.
  • Establish and administer endowment funds, Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account funds, and other funds which can provide significant impact in fulfilling the goals of the Louisiana Bar Foundation.
  • Support and enhance legal education in Louisiana.
  • Improve the efficiency of the justice system while protecting the right to a full and fair procedure.
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News from Dublin by Aaron Koenck

Professor Moréteau,

Wow, what can I say about studying abroad at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland!

This experience has been the best thing I could have ever done academically and personally. I have had the opportunity to meet people from all corners of the world, some of who are now lifelong friends. Academically, I was challenged to learn and perform at the next level considering my fellow classmates are some of the top minds in Ireland and other top-ranked universities. Trinity College is a school that focuses on academic writing as an assessment, which gave me the opportunity to drastically improve in this area and I did! In addition, I was able to join a group project that worked on a cross-border financial transaction case study with universities in Spain and Italy.

Further, I had several opportunities to advance my future career path in ways that would not have been possible without studying here. Recently, I arrived back from London where I attended the International Petroleum Summit. Here, I was able to meet many future colleagues from every corner of the globe. They included scholars, attorneys, arbitrators, and negotiators; many of which who are the top of their field.

Before that I was able to fly to Paris for a European AIPN Chapter meeting on oil and gas financing where I was able to experience the beauty of Paris, learn, and make lifelong relationships. Lastly, while in Dublin I have had the opportunity to be part of an insight program with Deutsche Bank, one of the world’s largest financial intuitions.

But it has not been all work and study though. Trinity has wonderful nightlife and people to go out with. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I was able to attend the Trinity Ball, often called Europe’s largest private party! Also, I have had the opportunity to travel Ireland and meet many new people from all walks of life, all of which who were extremely friendly. Now that classes and assessments are completed I will spend the month traveling as much of Europe as I can by train. I am excited to meet so many new people and experience so many new cultures.

Any doubts that I had or that were proffered to me by others at LSU about studying abroad during law school were completely unfounded. Things that I “missed out on” can be done during my last year. Anything that cannot be, was a minuscule sacrifice for the wealth of things I gained here. If I could tell the students that follow me at LSU LAW one thing, I would say, “JUST GO! CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!”

Lastly, as jurists, we are all too familiar with having our heads buried in books so I will finish with a quote I read outside of the Notre Dame by St. Augustine of Hippo. It read: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” With the sincerest heart, I thank you for helping me study abroad this semester. Go raibh míle maith agat.” (Irish for: “May you have a thousand good things”)


Aaron Emil Koenck
LSU LAW, 2019
Trinity College Dublin, Visiting Student 2018

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The Civil Code in French Presented at the Supreme Court of Louisiana

On April 24, 2018, Professor Olivier Moréteau was the guest of the Law Library of Louisiana and Supreme Court of Louisiana Historical Society to present ‘A Perfect Circle? Code Civil de Louisiane, Edition Bilingue.’ 150 people signed up for free CLE and over 100 attended, in the prestigious Courtroom at 400 Royal Street in New Orleans.

For the first time since 1825, the current Louisiana Civil Code is available in English and in French. After the Louisiana Civil Code Online project, featuring the Civil Code online in both languages, the Center of Civil Law Studies published a paper edition of Code civil de Louisiane, Édition bilingue. This 780-page volume features the entire Civil Code with the official English on the left and the French translation on the right. It also features a foreword by Jean-Claude Gémar, Professor Emeritus at the Université de Montréal, a world renowned expert in legal translation, and an introduction by LSU Law School Professor Olivier Moréteau, editor of the book. The book is published as volume 28 in the Droit comparé et européen series, by the prestigious Société de législation comparée, based in Paris. Moving from the raison d’être of the project, Moréteau discussed the process of translating the current civil code and lessons learned in the process.

Among the few brought to the Court, copies of the bilingual code were dedicated to Chief Justice Bernette Johnson and to Justice James Genovese.

From left to right, Alex Ulici, LL.M. candidate 2018 (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Prof. Moréteau, and Solène Demeyer, Exchange student (Nantes).

On the day of French President Macron’s State Visit to the United States, Prof. Moréteau brings the Civil Code in French to the Supreme Court of Louisiana: the Bayou State will remain in the U.S., but its French language makes a comeback to the Maison de Cour.

A well attended presentation

Dressing Code? Dress in Code! Prof. Olivier and Mrs. Marie-Antoinette Moréteau wearing the Code’s colors on the prestigious Courtroom threshold

1808, 1825, and 2017: the three bilingual versions of the Louisiana Civil Code

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Professor Moréteau to Present on Code Translation at the Supreme Court of Louisiana

Seats still available! Reserve your spot today by emailing

A Law Library of Louisiana FREE CLE
Co-sponsored by the Supreme Court of Louisiana Historical Society
A Perfect Circle?
Code Civil de Louisiane, Édition Bilingue

Presented by Dr. Olivier Moréteau
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Courtroom, Louisiana Supreme Court, 400 Royal Street

One Hour CLE

On Tuesday, April 24th, the Law Library of Louisiana and the Supreme Court of Louisiana Historical Society will co-sponsor a free CLE program at the Louisiana Supreme Court. For the first time since 1825, the current Louisiana Civil Code is available in English and in French. After the Louisiana Civil Code Online project, featuring the Civil Code online in both languages, the Center of Civil Law Studies published a paper edition of Le Code civil de Louisiane, Édition bilingue. This 780-page volume features the entire Civil Code with the official English on the left and the French translation on the right. It also features a foreword by Jean-Claude Gémar, Professor Emeritus at the Université de Montréal, a world renowned expert in legal translation, and an introduction by LSU Law School Professor Olivier Moréteau, editor of the book. The book is published as volume 28 in the Droit compare et européen series, by the prestigious Société de legislation compare, based in Paris. Professor Moréteau will discuss the process of translating the current civil code and producing the final work.

Dr. Olivier Moréteau is a Professor of Law and the first holder of the Russell B. Long Eminent Scholars Academic Chair at the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center. He joined LSU in 2005. He is the Director of the Center of Civil Law Studies, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Civil Law Studies, and the Director of International Programs. He earned his Doctorate in Law summa cum laude at the Université Jean Moulin, 1990, after research conducted in Cambridge with a British Council scholarship. He has authored and edited books in French and in English, and written over a hundred articles, chapters, notes, and reviews in various languages, published in international periodicals or books, on the civil law, common law, comparative law, law and languages, legal translation, tort law, the law of obligations, codification, and legal education.

Email to reserve a seat.  If you have questions, please contact Miriam Childs via email at or phone (504-310-2403).


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