Bogdan Buta, LL.M. 2014, joins the Louisiana Bar

Congratulations to Bogdan Buta, LL.M. 2014, for his success at the Louisiana Bar exam. Bogdan is a law graduate of the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He was a recipient of the A. N. Yiannopoulos Endowed Scholarship for the academic year 2013-2014. We wish him a great future in our state and wherever his success will take him.


Bogdan Buta with Justice Hughes, Supreme Court of Louisiana


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French Students visit Louisiana Supreme Court and Louisiana Law Library

For the fifth consecutive year, the Center of Civil Law Studies is hosting three interns from the Université de Nantes Master in Trilingual Legal Studies, as part of the Training Multilingual Jurists Program, sponsored by the Partner University Fund.

Sarah Charlat, Delphine Drouard, and Sara Vono arrived in late March for a three month internship. They have already translated several dozen Louisiana Civil Code articles from English in to French, dealing with emancipation, interdiction, usufruct, and now successions.

On Friday, April 24, Prof. Olivier Moréteau took them to New Orleans for a tour of the Louisiana Supreme Court. Audrey Michenaud, an exchange student from Université de Nantes, and Jason Marcheux, visiting from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, joined the group.

The visit of the Rare Book Room was the highlight of the visit: these French students had to cross the Atlantic to hold the original edition of the Code Napoléon in their hands!

The CCLS thanks the Court and the Louisiana Law Library for their renewed hospitality, particularly Head Librarian Georgia Chadwick, Librarian Miriam Childs, Robert Gunn who gave the tour, and David Rigamer for these great photos.


Robert Gunn giving the tour, in the Supreme Court Museum


Head Librarian Georgia Chadwick showing old New Orleans ordinances


Audrey Michenaud, Sara Vono, Jason Marcheux, Delphine Drouard & Sarah Charlat holding the Code civil des Français


Librarian Miriam Childs & Prof. Olivier Moréteau

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Andrew Whall sends News from South Africa

2L Andrew Whall emails from the University of Cape Town (UCT):

Hello Professor Moreteau,

I just wanted to say hello and let you know that my studies here at University of Cape Town are going well! I’m currently taking three LLM level courses, so it’s definitely a lot more challenging than I thought it would be, but that’s okay because I’m learning so much from a perspective that I would’ve never been able to get studying in the US. I’ve met so many fascinating people from all over the world who have left their countries to study law at this prestigious university. Each and everyone of them bring quite a unique view from their respective nations, and it is particularly apparent during a class discussion when everyone is sharing their knowledge. It’s so incredible how many different approaches there are to law out there!

As the only American law student, at UCT I’ve been doing my best to represent our legal system and policies to the rest of the class. It’s actually not that easy to answer their questions because I find that they’re all quite knowledgeable and tend to ask much more detailed questions than I am used to and it requires me to do some research. I have learned much more about the US in the past 3 months than I originally intended to, because the other foreign students are so curious and eager to learn about the US perspective just as much as I am to learn about theirs.

As they say in South Africa,


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Matt Dyson Shares Views on Tortious Apples and Criminal Oranges

Dr. Matthew Dyson, is a fellow of Trinity College, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (U.K.), where he teaches torts, contracts, Roman law, and comparative law. His research has been on how the borderline between tort and crime has changed in different jurisdictions in the last few hundred years.

During a one-day visit to the LSU Law Center, Wednesday, April 8, 2015, Matt Dyson presented remarks on his present research: Tortious Apples and Criminal Oranges, a chapter of his forthcoming Comparing Tort and Crime. Dr. Dyson is the author of Unravelling Tort and Crime, Cambridge University Press, 2014, and a contributor to the Comparative Legal History book project (edited by A. Masferrer, K. Modeer, O. Moréteau), forthcoming in the Research Handbooks in Comparative Law, Edward Edgar. He is the Secretary General of the European Society for Comparative Legal History.

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The 38th Tucker Lecture in Pictures

On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, Professor Emerita Esin Örücü (University of Glasgow, Scotland), gave the 38th Tucker Lecture discussing the impact of Civil Code translations on the shaping of civil law systems, based on the Turkish and Louisiana experience, with reference to to other translated codes. The lecture will be published in the Journal of Civil Law Studies.

Professor Örücü enjoyed her visit at the LSU Law Center and was happy to discover the beauties of South Louisiana before flying back to Scotland this Friday.

Visit the Edinburgh Legal History Blog for more detail.

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38th Tucker Lecture by Prof. Esin Örücü, March 17

You are kindly invited to the Lecture and Reception to follow!2015 Tucker Lecture Dr. Esin Orucu

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The International Law Society invites you to Better Understand Islamic Law

“Understanding Islamic Sharee’ah” by Imam Abdelmadjid Mokhtari
of The Islamic Center of Baton Rouge
Tuesday, March 10th, 12:40 – LUNCH. Rm 110
Please join us for this special event!

“فهم الشريعة الإسلامية” للإمام عبد المجيد مختاري
من المركز الإسلامي في باتون روج
الثلاثاء 10 مارس، 12:40 – تناول طعام الغداء. RM 110
يرجى الانضمام إلينا لهذا الحدث الخاص!

Islamic Law

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Want to be a General Counsel? International Experience “is a Huge Differentiator”

LSU Law Students, read this post published by Inside Counsel: “For many attorneys, the role of chief legal officer is the culmination of their professional career goals. During the recent Women, Influence and Power in Law Conference in Washington, D.C, several executive search professionals provided tips and advice on navigating the road to the GC position.”

“The panel also discussed the importance of international experience. According to Russell Reynolds research, of the Fortune 300, 15 percent of general counsel had prior international experience.

“Increasingly, we hear that companies want international experience,” Cynthia Dow, executive director of Russell Reynolds Associates, told the audience. “That is a huge differentiator.”

LSU Law Career Services


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Dictionary of the Civil Code

Dictionary Civil Code

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Summer Program in Lyon: Additional Meeting

There will be another information meeting for the 2015 Summer Program in Lyon on Friday, February 27 at 11:30 am in Room 110.  All interested students who missed the February 11th meeting are urged to attend.

Only Lyon 2

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