Professor Moréteau Inducted into the French Republic’s Prestigious Ordre des Palmes Académiques

(left to right) The Consul Général de France Monsieur Grégor Trumel, Professor Alexandre Leupin, Professor Olivier Moréteau, Dean Alcibiades Tsolakis, President F King Alexander

On Thursday, Feb. 9, three LSU faculty members were inducted into the French Republic’s prestigious Ordre des Palmes Academiques, or the Order of the French Academic Palms. The award recognizes both foreigners and French who promote French education and culture.

LSU College of Art & Design Dean Alkis P. Tsolakis and Center of Civil Law Director and Assistant Dean Olivier Moréteau were both bestowed the grade of Officier. Center for French and Francophone Studies Director and the Phyllis M. Taylor Professor in French Studies Alexandre Leupin received the grade of Chevalier, or knight.

Prof. Olivier Moréteau said:

“This is a great recognition for my modest efforts to promote the French culture and language in Louisiana, here at LSU Law, where I teach a class in French and send many students to France, also by making the Louisiana Civil Code available in English and in French on websites and soon on paper,” he said. “During my whole academic career, 22 years in Lyon and soon 12 at LSU, I have worked at developing legal and cultural exchanges, promoting student and staff mobility, making foreign cultures accessible to the French and French culture to students and folks outside France, particularly in Louisiana.”

Moréteau added, “This is a beautiful medal with LSU colors, purple and gold! It honors my new home.”

– See more at:

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Application Season for the LL.M. 2017-2018 is Open

Professor Olivier Moréteau, the Program Director, Christabelle Lefebvre, the Program Coordinator, and the LL.M. Class of 2017 welcome you to apply to our LL.M. in Comparative Law, one of the best gateways to American Law and Practice. Visit our LL.M. Webpages, and do not hesitate to contact us and request a Skype meeting with the program director, coordinator and/or students.

LL.M. Program staff (Ms. Christabelle Lefebvre, LL.M. Coordinator, and Prof. Olivier Moréteau, LL.M. Director) may be contacted by telephone at 225/578-7831 or 225/578-1126, or by email at, or

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Professor Yiannopoulos

The LSU Law Center mourns the passing of Prof. Yiannopoulos. A professor at LSU Law from 1957-79, A.N. “Thanassi” Yiannopoulos was a great supporter of the Law Center and spent much of his career rewriting the Louisiana civil code. He gave so much to LSU Law and Tulane Law School, and he will be missed.

Every year, one of our international LL.M. candidates benefits from the Yiannopoulos scholarship, which attracts promising scholars to the LSU Law Center and has already helped a number of them to fulfill their dream.

See article by Cathy Hughes, The Advocate, Feb. 1st, 2017

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Natural Law and Constitutional Law

View the video of Professor Santiago Legarre’s Lecture on “Natural Law and Constitutional Law.

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Santiago Legarre on Natural Law and Constitutional Law

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Professor Santiago Legarre to give a Lecture at LSU

Prof. James R. Stoner, Director of the Eric Voegelin Institute for American Renaissance Studies,

Prof. Olivier Moréteau, Director of the Center of Civil Law Studies,

invite you to attend a lecture by:

Santiago Legarre

Professor of Law, Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Natural Law and Constitutional Law

Tuesday, January 24, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Robinson Courtroom, LSU Law Center

Light refreshments will be served

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Juris Diversitas, 5th Annual Conference, Lyon, July 10-12, 2017

This event is announced by Prof. Olivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas. It is co-organized with Université Jean Moulin and will take place in Lyon during the LSU Summer Program.






July 10-12, 2017

Lyon, France

In partnership with

EM Lyon & Université Jean Moulin

Law & Food

La cuisine juridique

The Theme:

For its 5th Annual Conference, Juris Diversitas revisits its culinary origins, expressed in the logo. The links between law and food are as old as the concept of law. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome cared about access to water resources and food, whether it came to trade or protection. Since times immemorial, Bhutan makes sure every citizen has access to a minimal acreage of land to secure food for the family. Whilst religions multiplied food prohibitions and prescriptions, customs redistributed land, shared its occupancy in creative ways, or favored communal property so that everyone had access to food. Laws have multiplied to facilitate food trade, security, safety, traceability, and also to promote and protect food and wine production, using trademarks and geographical denominations. In addition, the language of food and cooking offers legal thinkers and teachers mouth-watering metaphors, comparing rules to recipes, and their combination to culinary processes.

All law related food topics, whether liquid or solid, vegetal or animal, real or symbolic, tasty or toxic, old or new, home-made or industrial, fast or simmering, whether connected or not to the environment, sustainable development, climate change, literature, art, science, faith, beliefs, or any dimension of human experience may be revisited in an interdisciplinary perspective from the moment they intersect with rules, norms, or prescriptions of all kinds. You are invited to cook and share food for thought at every possible level, past, present, and future, local, regional, and global, topical and utopic, and feed at a two-day and a half worldwide intellectual banquet in a truly unique culinary capital of Europe.


Panel proposals and interdisciplinary presentations are strongly encouraged, as is the participation of doctoral students and scholars from outside of the discipline of law. While parallel sessions featuring three presentations of twenty-minute each will be the pattern, more creative arrangements are encouraged.

Proposals should be in English or in French. Proposals of circa 250 words (or 1000 words for panel proposals with three or more speakers) should be submitted to Professor Salvatore Mancuso at : by January 31, 2017, with a short biography paragraph listing major or relevant publications. Make this a single Word document with minimal formatting, so that proposal and biography can be copied easily into the conference program.

Registration Fees:

€200 or €125 for Juris Diversitas members paid up for 2017. Membership and fee payment information is available on the Juris Diversitas Blog ( Note that fees do not cover travel, accommodation, or the conference dinner (€50).


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Louisiana Legal History at Tulane and LSU

On Friday, November 4, 2016, The Portalis Society, The Eason Weinmann Center, and The Tulane Law School organized an international conference in New Orleans on Early Louisiana and Her Spanish World: Legal Tradition, Laws and Customs in Luisiana and the Floridas. Two of the conference speakers traveling from other parts of the world made short visits to LSU Law.

Dr. Seán Patrick Donlan, LSU Law graduate, presently Professor and Deputy Head of Law at the University of the South Pacific (Port Vila, Vanuatu), presented on November 3 on Law in the Feliciana (West Florida).

Dr. John Cairns, Professor at the University of Edinburgh Faculty of Law, visited with Ms. Georgia Chadwick, former Head of the Louisiana Law Library in New Orleans, to present on The Printing of the Digest of 1808.


Matt Boles, Prof. Olivier Moréteau, Prof. Vernon Palmer, and Barlow Holley


Prof. John Cairns, Olivier Moréteau, and Sean Donlan


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Newsletter Online

The Russell Long Chair and CCLS Newsletter is available online, presenting the Louisiana Civil Code in French, the LL.M. Program, the Journal of Civil Law Studies, and other news.


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Journal of Civil Law Studies, Vol. 9 No. 1 is Online

JCLS banner

This issue of the Journal of Civil Law Studies features The Constitution as Code, by Prof. Paul R. Baier, with a Postscript by Justice Nicholas Kasirer, of the Court of Appeal of Quebec. Brazil is a guest of honor with articles by Prof. Sombra and Dias.

In addition to Civil Law in the World (Quebec) and a Book Review, the Journal also publishes a first installment of conference papers discussing the Louisiana Civil Code Translation Project (translation of the Code into French), held at LSU Law in April 2014. The French translation is now complete and fully available online.



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