Prof. Olivier Moréteau discussing the Code translations at Tulane University School of Law in February 2023
The Lousiana Civil Code Online (LCCO) is an online publication of the Center of Civil Law Studies (CCLS). It gives full access to the Civil Code of Louisiana in English, to its French translation, completed in 2016, and to the ongoing Spanish translation prepared by Professor Mariano Vitetta, LLM LSU, former CCLS Research Associate and currently Assistant Professor at Austral University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Spanish translation is in progress. The Preliminary Title, Book 1 (persons), Book 2 (things and ownership), Titles 3 to 5 of Book 3 (obligations), Book 4 (conflict of laws) are already accessible online. The English and French versions have been updated of all changes adopted until the 2023 legislative session, thanks to the work of Aurore Guizonne, CCLS Research Associate.
LCCO is open source. It is possible to consult the English and the French, and the English and the Spanish on the same screen. Tables of content facilitate the navigation and LCCO is fully searchable.
For any comment, contact Prof. Moréteau: moreteau@lsu.edu. Click here to access LCCO.