Comparative Perspectives on Law and Language

Book cover of Comparative Perspectives on Law and LanguageAgustín Parise & Olivier Moréteau (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Law and Language, Maastricht Law Series, Eleven, 2022.


Law finds its roots in human experience and its expression in language. It cannot be administered, studied or taught without the instrumentality of language. The focus on language enlarges and deepens comparative studies. This volume features a wide array of comparative perspectives encompassing Law and Language, inviting readers to deepen their understanding of their many interactions, casting new lights that benefit jurists and linguists alike. It invites to interdisciplinary collaboration, focusing on the centrality of language in law making, solving legal problems and making sense of the law.

This volume displays a variety of approaches to Law and Language, moving from traditional to renewed doctrinal approaches, including case studies and empirical exercises. The chapters move across jurisdictions and time periods, from preconceived ideas to calls for change. This volume takes an innovative and interdisciplinary approach embracing a variety of prisms: translation studies, comparative law, legal history, jurilinguistics, and legal education, to name a few. It is an indispensable companion for anyone interested in these disciplines.


Law and Language: A Plea for Experts Sans frontières
Agustín Parise
A Twenty-First Century Approach to Law and Language in Europe
Elena Ioriatti
Living Off Translations: The Survival of Civil Law in South Africa and Other
Mixed Jurisdictions
Vernon Valentine Palmer
Research into Legal Translation: An Overview of the 2010s Trends from the
Perspective of Translation Studies
Łucja Biel
Aux sources de la jurilinguistique canadienne: de la lettre à l’esprit du
droit – Crépuscule du terme, primat du texte
Jean-Claude Gémar
Judgments’ Style: An Experience in Reading Civil and Common Law
Silvia Ferreri
Two Centuries of Legal Translation in Louisiana: Developing and Promoting
the Civil Law English Terminology
Olivier Moréteau
Building the Bridge from Both Sides: Successful Communication Strategies
in Legal Translation and Court Interpreting
Carmen Bestué
The Protection of Regional and Minority Languages
Gerard-René de Groot
Law, Language, and the 50 Years of the Netherlands Comparative Law
Ulli Jessurun d’Oliveira and Lars van Vliet
Fifty Years of Comparative Law in the Netherlands: The Importance of
Ewoud Hondius
The Wave of Comparative Law
Sjef van Erp

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