From left to right, Leo Bernard (France), Marin Ploix (France), Yelena Matheus (France & UK), Sigrid Soetaert (France & Norway), Prof. Olivier Moreteau, Lila Tahidousti (France), Clara Millet-Guerin (France), Alejandra Flavia Osorio (Honduras & USA), Felipe Jorquera Lara (Chile).
Six LL.M. candidates and one International Exchange student started at LSU Law in January 2021, braving the COVID restrictions after having secured the much-awaited visa to attend higher education in the United States. They joined one of the two LL.M. candidates who had started in fall 2020, the other one having abandoned after having contracted a severe form of COVID. They will be joined in August by other 2020-2021 candidates who elected to defer their start in the program to August 2021 and by the group of 2021-2022 candidates. The 2021-2022 admission campaign goes full swing and is soon to end. LSU Law expects to welcome a record high number of LL.M. candidates in 2021, a sign of vitality of the program despite the COVID sanitary crisis.