Two Distinguished Argentine Scholars Visit LSU Law

In January 2021, LSU Law had the pleasure of welcoming two renowned scholars from Argentina.

Portrait photo of Prof. Santiago Legarre

Prof. Santiago Legarre

Santiago Legarre, a constitutional-law scholar, is a professor of law at Universidad Católica Argentina who regularly visits at LSU Law to teach comparative constitutional law. This time he was the guest of the Eric Voegelin Institute whose director, Professor Jim Stoner, invited him to give a talk within the Political Theory Lunch Colloquy on January 13. The talk was entitled “Overruling Louisiana: Horizontal Stare Decisis and the Concept of Precedent in the Supreme Court’s 2020 Term.” The next day, Legarre met with the new class of LL.M. candidates who started their first week at LSU, just after their Introduction to United States Law class, taught by Professor Olivier Moréteau. Both professors exchanged with students on their respective experience of teaching comparative law in different parts of the world, pointing to the uniqueness of the LSU experience in this regard.

Mariano Vitetta, Prof. Alfonso Santiago and Prof. Olivier Moreteau in front of the Law Center

Mariano Vitetta, Prof. Alfonso Santiago and Prof. Olivier Moreteau in front of the Law Center

On January 23, another Argentine expert in constitutional law visited at LSU Law. Professor Alfonso Santiago is the most senior member at the Universidad Austral law faculty. He teaches Argentine constitutional law and leads its young School of Government, where education is offered combining political science, international relations, and law. Professor Santiago came to the United States to present at a legal workshop at the University of Texas at Austin, wherefrom he traveled to Baton Rouge. He took a tour of the beautiful LSU campus with Mariano Vitetta, presently Research Associate at the LSU Center of Civil Law Studies, who taught at Austral Law School before coming to LSU. He then met with Professor Olivier Moréteau, to strengthen the links between the Austral and LSU law schools, at a time when the existing bilateral agreement is up for renewal. Sharing ideas and experience, they paved the way to extended collaboration between LSU Law and Universidad Austral, beyond the existing student exchanges.

Argentina has had a long connection with LSU. Important members of the Argentine legal community have been connected with LSU as visiting professors, full professors, Tucker lecturers, research associates, and alumni, including, among others, Saúl Litvinoff, Julio Cueto Rúa, Genaro Carrió, Alejandro Garro, Alejandro Carrió, and Agustín Parise.

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