L’équipe de choc du CCLS / The CCLS Summer Team

Sarah Charlat, Delphine Drouard and Sara Vono are ending this weekend a very fruitful and enjoyable three-month internship, a crown on their Master’s Program in Trilingual Legal Studies at University of Nantes. The translation of the Louisiana Civil Code into French has gone a long way and will be completed next year, with the financial support of the Partner University Fund (PUF).

The CCLS is also hosting two French doctorate candidates, Julie Grangeon (Lyon) and Florian Thomas (Nantes). The top floors of the Old Law Building have truly become the French Floors!

CCLS Summer 2015.2

From left to right, Jennifer Lane, Delphine Drouard, Sarah Charlat, Sara Vono, Olivier Moréteau

CCLS Summer 2015

From left to right, Jennifer Lane, Delphine Drouard, Florian Thomas, Sarah Charlat, Sara Vono, Julie Grangeon

CCLS summer 2015 3

The New Orleans sound of legal translation

CCLS summer 2015.4

Au Mémorial acadien, Saint Martinville

CCLS summer 2015.5

Avec Elaine Clément, Directrice du Mémorial et Muséee acadien à St Martinville


Swamp tour on Lake Martin: we outsource for Photoshop


Ready for a swamp tour on Lake Martin

About moreteau

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