Semester Abroad at the University of Amsterdam

With the help of Professor Edgar Du Perron, Dean of the School of Law, and Professor Marjoleine Zieck, LSU Law third-year student Amanda Harb is able to study her final semester at the University of Amsterdam. Amanda is very grateful for the opportunity created by the LSU Law Center and our Amsterdam partners. She writes: “I am doing marvelously. This is truly the greatest thing I’ve ever done. Living in Amsterdam is beautiful, easy, and full of life. My law classes are inspiring and rigorous. We simulate conventions on international law, representing countries in some of the most important environmental discussions in the international arena today. Students from all over the world compare and discuss everything from international military law, UN peacekeeping in the Middle East, human rights violations, to trans-boundary pollution in Eastern Europe. I feel completely in the right place.”

As the photos prove, Amanda’s spring semester turned into a hard winter semester, though she takes things with good humor: “The weather is almost hilarious to me – it’s so cold and snows and hails at the strangest times and they say we have the ‘Russian Winds’ blowing through. But it doesn’t stop me from exploring the city!”

LSU Law Semester abroad program

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