PILS Executive Board and Officers

If you would like to join a Committee or learn more about an opportunity, email the officers listed below!

President: Randi Williford (rwil348@lsu.edu)


Vice President: Alaina Lacey (alacey5@lsu.edu)

Executive Assistant: TBD

Pro Bono Chair: Raegan Nguyen (rnguy27@lsu.edu)


Pro Bono Vice Chair: Laura Bacon (lbacon7@lsu.edu)


Community Service Chair: Raven Sanders (rsand29@lsu.edu)


Community Service Vice Chair: Priscilla Roshto (prosht1@lsu.edu)


Education & Youth Outreach Chair: Jasmine Ward (jward58@lsu.edu)


IT/Publicity Chair: Sam Scheinthal (sschei4@lsu.edu)


Social Media Liaison: Mackenzie Phillips (mparad1@lsu.edu)


Website Liaison: Alex Basse (abasse3@lsu.edu) and Hana Lewis (hlewi23@lsu.edu)


Public Relations Manager: Kaylee Odom (kodom11@lsu.edu)


Fundraising and Merchandise Team: Camila Valenzuela (cvale24),

Ngoc Tran (ntran75@lsu.edu), and

Sabrina Lich (slich1@lsu.edu)


Fellowships & Career Chair: Victoria Vicknair (vselde2@lsu.edu)


Philanthropy Chair: Kaysee Craighead (kcrai22@lsu.edu)


Secretary/Treasurer: Francis Doan (fdoan1@lsu.edu)


2L Reps: Kaylee Odom and Jazmin King (jkin142@lsu.edu

1L Section X Rep: Ella Millet (emill79@lsu.edu)

1L Section Y Rep: Brittany Corken (bcorke6@lsu.edu)

1L Section Z Rep: Jonathan Lynn (jlynn9@lsu.edu)


Faculty Advisor  – Professor John Devlin



Faculty Advisor (Pro Bono) – Professor Richard Pittman


Faculty Committee

Professor Robert Lancaster


Robert E. Lancaster | LSU Law – Directory


Professor Jeff Brooks


Jeffrey C. Brooks | LSU Law – Directory


Professor Darlene Goring


Darlene C. Goring | LSU Law – Directory


Professor Jack Harrison


Please Note: PILS is a student-run organization and does not provide legal adviceIf you need legal help, please visit LouisianaLawHelp.org

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