Volunteer for an Habitat Build on Saturday, October 8th! Sign up here. (Note: The University United Methodist Church is hosting this build, not PILS.)

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Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge is a non-profit organization that organizes builds and renovates houses to provide opportunities to those throughout the community to build affordable homes. Law school got ya down? Need a study break? Take out some of your aggression on a 2×4 with a hammer and some nails with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge.

Throughout the year, we will have various opportunities for small groups to go out and help build new houses for deserving families throughout the Baton Rouge area! Be on the lookout for announcements via social media, the weekly SBA broadcast, and fliers hanging around campus. Eager to get involved immediately? Register to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge here.





(Updated 9/10/22)




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