U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Majority Staff Report Assessing and Improving Flood Insurance Management and Accountability in the Wake of Superstorm Sandy (2015) Despite widespread concerns, it does not appear that systematic incentives exist for any…
Tag: Hurricane Sandy
Managed Coastal Retreat: A Handbook of Tools, Case Studies, and Lessons Learned
ManagedCoastalRetreat_FINAL_Oct 30 Original Link EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Climate change will change the way we live. No longer will the environment be a static condition, a certainty upon which other variables depend. Rather, it will be a variable itself, and it will…
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Releases Rebuilding Strategy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: HUD No. 13-125 Monday, August 19, 2013 CONTACT: Aaron Jacobs Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Aaron.F.Jacobs@hud.gov HURRICANE SANDY REBUILDING TASK FORCE RELEASES REBUILDING STRATEGY Strategy will ensure families, small businesses and communities are stronger, more economically competitive…
New York City Plan for Climate Change
Read the Report On June 11, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced “A Stronger, More Resilient New York”, a comprehensive plan that contains actionable recommendations both for rebuilding the communities impacted by Sandy and increasing the resilience of infrastructure and buildings citywide.…
Tropical Cyclone Report – Hurricane Sandy
Eric S. Blake, Todd B. Kimberlain, Robert J. Berg, John P. Cangialosi and John L. Beven II, Tropical Cyclone Report – Hurricane Sandy (AL182012) 22 – 29 October 2012, National Hurricane Center, 12 February 2013. Sandy was a classic late-season…