Munich Re, TOPICS Geo Natural catastrophes 2017
Tag: Extreme Weather
Hurricane Florence and Climate Change
The human influence on Hurricane Florence – a real time forecast based on climate change information For Hurricane Florence, we present the first advance forecasted attribution statements about the human influence on a tropical cyclone. We find that rainfall will…
OHIO RIVER BASIN– Formulating Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation Strategies through Regional Collaboration with the ORB Alliance
Generally, modeling results indicate a gradual increase in annual mean temperatures between 2011 and 2040 amounting to one-half degree per decade, with greater increases between 2041 and 2099 of one full degree per decade. Hydrologic flow changes show substantial variability…
National Hurricane Center – Hurricane Harvey Report
National Hurricane Center – Hurricane Harvey Report (2018) Harvey started as a typical weak August tropical storm that affected the Lesser Antilles and dissipated over the central Caribbean Sea. However, after re-forming over the Bay of Campeche, Harvey rapidly intensified…
ARkStorm – The weather equivalent of the Big One for California
California – The Flood that Could Change Everything California is spending billions to protect the millions at risk of a megaflood, but thanks to climate change, it’s too little too late. ARkStorm@SierraFront 2.0 This updates the USGS analysis below.
Index Insurance – Event Based, rather than Claims Based Climate and Disaster Insurance
One the major problems with disaster insurance is the disruption in infrastructure and government function makes it difficult to process specific claims information in a timely manner. As the delays in processing claims after the 2016 Baton Rouge flood illustrate,…
What is a 100/500/1000 year rain event?
See Also: What is a 100/500/1000-Year Flood Event? References Hershfield, D.M., 1961. Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical Paper No. 40. Weather Bureau, US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. This started the 100 year rain event system. Although it…
Weather and Storm Forecasting Resources
NOAA NOAA QuickLook Site reporting on Water and Surge Levels Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
Understanding FEMA’s Rate-Setting Methods for the National Flood Insurance Program
CBO, The National Flood Insurance Program: Factors Affecting Actuarial Soundness, (2009) Presentation: Understanding FEMA’s Rate-Setting Methods for the National Flood Insurance Program
Hurricanes and long-term climate variability – Lloyds Risk Report
Hurricanes and long-term climate variability – Lloyds Risk Report The severity and frequency of hurricanes are influenced by changes in the climate of the Atlantic over the long term, and in particular, the changes over many decades of sea surface…
Catastrophe Modelling and Climate Change – Lloyds Risk Report
Catastrophe Modelling and Climate Change – Lloyds Risk Report While the evidence for climate change is ‘conclusive’, risk models may not account for the phenomenon,says new Lloyd’s research. The Catastrophe Modelling and Climate Change report finds that while climate change…
Warming of the Oceans and Implications for the (Re)insurance Industry
• There is new, robust evidence that the global oceans have warmed significantly. Given that energy from the ocean isthe key driver of extreme events, ocean warming has effectively caused a shift towards a “new normal” for a number of…
The National Global Change Research Plan 2012-2021
The National Global Change Research Plan 2012-2021, NRC 2012 From the transmittal letter: I am pleased to transmit a copy of The National Global Change Research Plan 2012- 2021: A Strategic Plan for the U. S. Global Change Research Program…
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
Field, Christopher B, Vicente Barros, Thomas F Stocker, and Qin Dahe, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge University Press 2012).
New York City Plan for Climate Change
Read the Report On June 11, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced “A Stronger, More Resilient New York”, a comprehensive plan that contains actionable recommendations both for rebuilding the communities impacted by Sandy and increasing the resilience of infrastructure and buildings citywide.…