Master WWW page Ellet, Charles. Report on the overflows of the delta of the Mississippi. AB Hamilton, 1852. Humphreys, A. A., & Abbot, H. L. (1861). Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river: Upon the protection of the alluvial…
Category: Morganza Spillway
Inundation Maps – Flood of 2011 on the Lower Mississippi
Lower Mississippi water flows and inundation map – May 11, 2011
Playing Politics with Morganza?
Took a drive up to the Old River Control Structure and the Morganza Spillway on the 12th of May. I was curious about what is keeping the Corps from opening the spillway until the flow hits 1.5 M CFS. One…
Flood Risk from Opening the Morganza Floodway
Floodway into the Atchafalaya Basin saves New Orleans: Oliver Houck
“The Mississippi River is rising, the Army Corps of Engineers has just blown a controversial floodway levee north of Cairo, Ill., and the surge is coming downstream[…]