Category: FEMA

FEMA – Disaster Operations Legal Reference Manuals

Version 3.1 This mid-edition online update of the Disaster Operations Legal Reference (DOLR 3.1) describes the legal authorities for FEMA’s readiness, response, and recovery activities. It supersedes DOLR 3.0, issued in March 2017. Because this reference is not exhaustive, the…

Stafford Act – Keystone of Federal Disaster Response

The Stafford Act provides the financial framework for the federal disaster response. It is implemented through presidential declaration of an emergency. The basics of this process are outlined in report from CRS:

Keith Bea, Federal Stafford Act Disaster Assistance: Presidential Declarations, Eligible Activities, and Funding, CRS-RL33053, March 16, 2010 (August 29, 2005 version)[…]

National Flood Insurance Program: Evaluation

National Flood Insurance Program: Evaluation (FEMA – 2006) Original Link The NFIP Evaluation Capstone Study summarizes what was done, what was learned, and recommendations made. It synthesizes the sub-study findings into a coherent report evaluating the aspects of the Program…

Executive Order: Taking Action to Protect Communities and Reduce the Cost of Future Flood Disasters

Original Fact Sheet: Taking Action to Protect Communities and Reduce the Cost of Future Flood Disasters Executive Order – Establishing A Federal Flood Risk Management Standard And A Process For Further Soliciting And Considering Stakeholder Input FEMA Flood Risk Management Site…

EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS – Limiting Federal Fiscal Exposure

EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS: Limiting Federal Fiscal Exposure and Increasing the Nation’s Resilience GAO-14-364T: Published: Feb 12, 2014. Publicly Released: Feb 12, 2014. What GAO Found The federal government has opportunities to limit its exposure and increase the nation’s resilience to…

Witless Policy and the Barrier Islands

William J. Siffin, BUREAUCRACY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Witless Policy and the Barrier Islands, 1 Cato Journal 291 (1981} A good, early review of the unintended consequences of the National Flood Insurance Program.

FLOOD INSURANCE: More Information Needed on Subsidized Properties

Report What GAO Found The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (Biggert-Waters Act) immediately eliminated subsidies for about 438,000 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies, but subsidies on an estimated 715,000 policies across the nation remain. Depending on factors…

FLOOD INSURANCE: Implications of Changing Coverage Limits and Expanding Coverage

Report What GAO Found The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) currently has more than 5.5 million policyholders insured for about $1.3 trillion who pay about $3.5 billion in annual premiums, but less than half purchase maximum coverage–a possible indicator of…

Congress Reforms the National Flood Insurance Program

Full Text of the Bill – Technical Correction Congressional Committee Report – Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 Homeland Security: Privacy Impact Assessment, National Flood Insurance Program Information Technology System, Oct. 12, 2012 Georgetown Climate Center Analysis of the Flood Insurance Reform…

Green Building and National Hazards

Green building strategies include minimizing building materials and building in ways that may increase risks from earthquakes, floods, hail, and wind. FEMA raises some of these issues in this report: Natural Hazards and Sustainability for Residential Buildings, FEMA P-798 /…