Category: Climate modification

Geoengineering Resources

Geoengineering tag cloud Holahan, R. & Kashwan, P., 2019. Disentangling the rhetoric of public goods from their externalities: The case of climate engineering. Global Transitions, 1, pp.132–140. McLaren, D. et al., 2016. Public conceptions of justice in climate engineering: Evidence…

Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System;jsessionid=625A3B85BB9B43FA186F913679972043.c3 INTRODUCTION Part of Focus on Climate Engineering: Intentional Intervention in the Climate System Geoengineering techniques for countering climate change have been receiving much press recently as a `Plan B’ if a global deal to tackle climate change is not agreed…

Geoengineering the climate – Science governance and uncertainty

Geoengineering the climate – Science, governance and uncertainty Shepherd, JG. Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty. Royal Society, 2009. The continuing rise in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, is driving…

The Regulation of Geoengineering – HC 5th Report

Rayner, S., Redgwell, C., Savulescu, J., Pidgeon, N. & Kruger, T. in The Regulation of Geoengineering: Fifth Report of the Session 2009–10 HC 221 (House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, 2010) – original link