40 CFR Part 60 [EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0072; FRL–8536–01– OAR] RIN 2060–AV09: New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units;…
Author: richards
Biden Administration Proposal to Restructure the National Flood Insurance Program – 2023
FEMA has proposed a major revision of the NFIP, including increasing the subsidy for low and middle-income insureds. This poses a wicked problem – without the increased subsidy, these insured will either have to go bare or move. With the…
Army Corps of Engineers – Background Information
Court Recognizes Reliance Interest in Federal Flood Control Projects
Ideker Farms, Inc. v. United States, 71 F.4th 964, 980 (Fed. Cir. 2023); Court of Federal Claims – Ideker Farms, Inc. v. United States, No. 14-183L, 2018 WL 1282417 (Fed. Cl. Mar. 13, 2018) This case recognizes a reliance interest in…
Louisiana Sues the National Flood Insurance Program
Complaint – Louisiana State et al v. Department of Homeland Security et al, Docket No. 2:23-cv-01839 (E.D. La. Jun 01, 2023) Defendants’ Memorandum In Opposition To Plaintiffs’ Motion For Preliminary Injunction – Louisiana State et al v. Department of Homeland…
CRS: Options for Making the National Flood Insurance Program More Affordable
Introduction Many Members and stakeholders have expressed concern about the perceived affordability of flood insurance premiums, concerns which have come to the fore as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) introduces a new pricing system known as Risk Rating 2.0.…
Fort St. Philip Natural Diversion and the Destruction of Land
Pictorial Account and Landscape Evolution of the Crevasses near Fort St. Philip, Louisiana (Rotated Maps – Port St. Phillip crevasse study) Factsheet – Pictorial Account and Landscape Evolution of the Crevasses near Fort St. Philip, Louisiana This report documents how a…
FHA establishes standards for private flood insurance for FHA backed mortgages
Acceptance of Private Flood Insurance for FHA-Insured Mortgages This final rule amends Federal Housing Administration (FHA) regulations to allow mortgagors the option to purchase private flood insurance on FHA-insured mortgages for properties located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), in…
Baked-In Sea Level Rise
Beaches and Sea Level Rise
Videos Beach: A River of Sand The Science of Waves on Water – Physics of an Ocean Wave How Level is Sea Level? The Beaches Are Moving “The Beaches Are Moving” is a 60-minute documentary that focuses on North Carolina’s…
Hurricane Harvey Takings Cases
Coastal home buyers are ignoring rising flood risks, despite clear warnings and rising insurance premiums
Apollo Beach, Fla., averages 3 feet above sea level, with many homes directly on the water. Google Earth Risa Palm, Georgia State University and Toby W. Bolsen, Georgia State University
US Energy Independence
Oil Embargo, 1973–1974 Oil Shock of 1978–79 The myth of US ‘energy independence’
Oyster Takings Claims
Campo v. United States, No. 20-44, 2024 WL 504316 (Fed. Cl. Feb. 9, 2024). Campo v. United States, 157 Fed. Cl. 584 (2021) [For a good discussion of the Louisiana law on property interests in oyster leases, see: John J.…
Cartoon of climate change timeline
Click for more to display
BP P.L.C. v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
This is a climate case based on public nuisance and misrepresentation. Defendants removed to federal court under the federal officer statute and the Circuit sent it back. Defendants appealed to the USSC, which accepted cert. and rule that when the…
FEMA Strategic Plans
FEMA Strategic Plan 2014–2018 – Obama Administration, mentions climate 8 times. FEMA Strategic Plan 2018–2033 – Trump Administration, mentions climate 0 times. FEMA Strategic Plan 2022–2618 – Biden Administration, mentions climate 93 times.
Mitigation Banking and Offsets – Bad Science and Failed Policy
Office, U.S.G.A., on Transportation, U.S.C.H.C. & Infrastructure, 2005. Wetlands Protection: Corps of Engineers Does Not Have an Effective Oversight Approach to Ensure that Compensatory Mitigation is Occurring: Report to the Ranking Democratic Member, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of…
Resources – Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD) DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement
News – The final EIS is available: https://www.nola.com/news/environment/article_65b9af6e-3837-11ed-903e-a786ab658b0e.html See also: River Diversion Research Articles The official site: Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD) DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement Released for Public Review and Comment Note – in order to make it more difficult for…
Introduction to Weather
Petition Requesting That The Federal Emergency Management Agency Amend Its Regulations Implementing the National Flood Insurance Program
Petition Requesting That The Federal Emergency Management Agency Amend Its Regulations Implementing the National Flood Insurance Program I. Introduction Flooding poses a significant threat to life and property and is the most common natural hazard in the United States. Since…
NASA Science Briefs – The Great Ice Meltdown and Rising Seas: Lessons for Tomorrow
The Great Ice Meltdown and Rising Seas: Lessons for Tomorrow By Vivien Gornitz — June 2012 As accumulating atmospheric greenhouse gases lead to further climate warming, sea level rise will accelerate, endangering coastal communities by more frequent flooding, exacerbated beach…
Meltwater pulses (MWP) during deglaciation – a model for rapid sea level rise
NASA Science Briefs – The Great Ice Meltdown and Rising Seas: Lessons for Tomorrow The Generation of Meltwater Pulses – video
Fake news and disinformation
The Bad News Game This is a learning tool on how to build effective fake news. The objective is to teach critical thinking about fake news and disinformation. The Bad News Primer on Dis/Misinformation The Bad News Game (Click on…
Drowned Worlds – Doggerland, the Neolithic Bridge between Britain and Europe
During the last glacial maximum, sea level was around 600 feet lower than today. Southeast Britain was connected to Europe by a land bridge called Doggerland, which is derived from the Dogger Banks which the name of the submerged area.…
Restoring Environmental and Climate Regulations
Sabin Center Climate Deregulation Tracker Harvard Regulatory Rollback Tracker Berkeley website focused on strategies for reversing the nearly 200 federal rollbacks Day 2 Actions
Floodplain Buyouts – History
Conrad, David R. Higher Ground: A Report on Voluntary Property Buyouts in the Nation’s Floodplains: A Common Ground Solution Serving People At Risk, Taxpayers and the Environment. National Wildlife Federation, 1998.
Siberian heatwave of 2020 almost impossible without climate change
Prolonged Siberian heat of 2020 A large, rapid multi-method attribution study, supported by observational and large ensemble model analyses, indicates with high confidence that extremely warm periods such as the 6 months of January – June 2020 over the Siberian…
Federal Circuit Rejects Court of Claims finding that MRGO Caused a Taking by Flooding
NOAA – 2019 State of U.S. High Tide Flooding with a 2020 Outlook
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sea level rise flooding of U.S. coastlines is happening now, and it is becoming more frequent each year. This flooding typically occurs when ocean waters reach 0.5 meter (m) to 0.65 m above the daily average high tide…