Reports of the Louisiana Oyster Commission – 1902 to 1910

These reports are of contemporary interest because they remind us that oysters are not traditionally a major part of the Mississippi Delta Ecosystem. From p.77 of the First Biennial Report 1902-1904:

There are vast areas of soft mud bottoms, in your State, which may be made just as productive in oysters as is the ground of Messrs. McLaughlin & Lobrano and others, but not until vast quantities of sand and shells are deposited upon them, and they are effectively protected by locks and dams from fresh water floods, and this fresh water is regulated and utilized either in fattening the oyster or in protecting the beds from an excess of salt water after a severe “norther.”

First Annual Report 1902-1904 Oyster Commission of Louisiana

Second Biennial Report 1904-1906 Oyster Commission of Louisiana

Third Biennial Report 1906-1908 Oyster Commission of Louisiana

Fourth Biennial Report 1908-1910 Oyster Commission of Louisiana