- Definitive publication on SLOSH:
Jelesnianski, C. P., J. Chen, and W. A. Shaffer, 1992: SLOSH: Sea, lake, and overland surges from hurricanes. NOAA Technical Report NWS 48, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, 71 pp. (Scanning courtesy of NOAA's NOS's Coastal Service's Center)
- How NWS uses SLOSH (including p-surge, et-surge, and MEOW/MOMs):
Glahn, B., A. Taylor, N. Kurkowski, and W. A. Shaffer, 2009: The Role of the SLOSH Model in National Weather Service Storm Surge Forecasting. National Weather Digest, Volume 33, Number 1, 3-14. (larger but single column copy)
- Some more information on the p-surge model:
Taylor, A., and Glahn, B., 2008: Probabilistic guidance for hurricane storm surge. Preprints, 19th Conference on Probability and Statistics, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 7.4.
- Some more information on the et-surge model:
Kim, S.-C., J. Chen, and W. A. Shaffer, 1996: An operational Forecast Model for Extratropical Storm Surges along the U.S. East Coast. Preprints, Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, Atlanta, Georgia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 281-286.
- Storm Surge 101-MDL (ppt 8.7 Megs) (talk describing mechanics of Storm Surge)
- Storm Surge 101 (ppt 9.6 Megs) (talk provided to Storm Surge workshop in Mobile AL, May 2011)
- SLOSH Display Program 101 (ppt 35.6 Megs) (talk provided to Storm Surge workshop in Mobile AL, May 2011)
- SLOSH Display Program to ESRI Arc GIS 101 (pptx 29.6 Megs) (Created June 2011)
- Storm surge at MDL (SLOSH, psurge, ETSS) (ppt 28 Megs) (Created July 2011)