Global Estimates 2012 – People displaced by disasters

Global Estimates 2012 – People displaced by disasters

The displacement of people by the risk and impact of disasters is a concern for policymakers in both rich and poor countries worldwide. Since 2009, the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has been providing global estimates of the number of people displaced each year to inform policy and measures by governments and other humanitarian and development actors that address the risk of displacement and ensure vulnerable displaced people are protected. This year’s report presents new findings for displacement during 2012 and analysis drawn from five years of data compiled by IDMC. As with previous years, estimates were determined by collecting, cross-checking and analysing secondary data from an expanding range of sources related to rapid-onset weather-related and geophysical hazard events. Statistical data is complemented by research on specific countries, situations and types of disasters.

In 2012, an estimated 32.4 million people in 82 countries were newly displaced by disasters associated with natural hazard events. Over five years from 2008 to 2012, around 144 million people were forced from their homes in 125 countries. Around three-quarters of these countries were affected by multiple disaster-induced displacement events over the period. Repeated displacement sets back recovery and development gains, undermines resilience and compounds vulnerability to further disaster.