Maryland Law and Policy Fellowship – great job opportunity for 3Ls interested in the environment and climate change.
This Small Lake in Africa Once Killed 1,700 People Overnight, And We Still Don’t Know Why – not new, but relevant to the controversy over CO2 pipeline accidents.
Biden urged not to approve oil terminals that could create ‘carbon bombs’
Feds slash Gulf’s first offshore wind farm areas
Background on LA wind
Lawmaker wants wind farms in Louisiana waters, but his bill may send them elsewhere
United States – Annual Average Offshore Wind Speed at 90 m
Power increases by the cube of wind speed.
9 MPH produces about 2x power as 7 MPH
Alabama-Florida-Georgia Offshore Wind Speed at 100 Meters
Permitting Green Infrastructure
Inflation Reduction Act Advances Stalled Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sales – Postscript to the Haaland NEPA case – Congress overruled Haaland in the IRA.
How does permitting for clean energy infrastructure work? (Environmental Review and Authorization Inventory – full inventory) – This is a good review of the permitting delays and some reforms. Read it carefully and explore the links.
Michael B. Gerrard, A Time for Triage, 39(6) ENVTL. F. 38 (2022). – Read this and think about the potential tradeoffs necessary to rapidly build out green infrastructure. What are the political tradeoffs in amending NEPA, the ESA, etc.?
For an example of the conflicts between different green strategies look at this site and think about biodiversity: Trillion Trees
Also: Thunberg, indigenous protesters block Norway energy ministry over wind farms
International Agreements
Read this short piece as an introduction to my lecture, Introduction to Treaties and International Agreements.
Slides – Introduction to Treaties and International Agreements